Dear Friends,
Because I’ve been struck with a bout of laryngitis, your morning meditations will be written but will not include a recording for a while. Once I get my voice back, I’ll get back to the fun of recording them for you.
Reflection: On Embracing What’s Important.
We spend so much time on unimportant things – things with no ultimate meaning – yet for reasons no one seems to fully understand, such nonessentials stand at the center of our worldly existence. They have no connection to our souls whatsoever, yet they have attached themselves to our material functioning. Like spiritual parasites, these things eat away our life force and deny us our joy. The only way to rid ourselves of their pernicious effects is to walk away… not from things that need to get done, but from thoughts that need to die.
Crossing the bridge to a better world begins with crossing a bridge inside our minds, from the addictive mental patterns of fear and separation, to enlightened perceptions of unity and love. We are in the habit of thinking fearfully, and it takes spiritual discipline to turn that around in a world where love is more suspect than fear. To achieve a miraculous experience of life, we must embrace a more spiritual perspective. Otherwise, we will leave this earth one day without ever having known the real joy of living.
Reflection: On Embracing What’s Important.
Join me on Nov 5th & 6th for LOVE IN ACTION. It's time to get profoundly practical with what we know to be true in our hearts.
Powerful last sentence. And reminiscent of hippie thoughts and children actions. The meaning of ‘life is for the young, or the living’ comes to mind. Becoming a responsible adult in a material world leans too hard toward material. And yet, it’s where we guide our children to go.
Ty for the beautiful reminder Marianne.