TRANSFORM with Marianne Williamson
Morning Meditations
Morning Meditation
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:52

Morning Meditation

Reflection: On the miracle of surrender.
Harrison Carter

On the miracle of surrender

God knows our crooked places that need to be made straight, the wounds in our hearts that fester for years unhealed, the broken pieces of our lives that seem beyond repair. And He who is the author of miracles has infinite desire and power to heal them all.

At a certain point, it doesn’t really matter how we got to be a certain way. Until we admit our character defects - and take responsibility for the fact that regardless of how we got them, they are ours now – they will not go away. We can talk to a therapist for hours about how our relationship with Mom or Dad made us develop a certain behavioral characteristic, but that of itself will not make it go away. Naming it, surrendering it to God, and asking Him to remove it – that is a miracle of personal transformation. It won’t go away in a moment, necessarily, but its days are numbered. The medicine is in your psychic bloodstream.

I surrender now the broken places within me. I name them, I admit them, I atone for them, and I ask God’s help in letting them go. I am willing to be divinely repaired.

Dear God, please do for me what I cannot do for myself. Please take this burden of my own dysfunction from me.


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