Hi, guys.
This is to tell you about a an independent news aggregator that I think is worth your attention.
With so much mainstream news little more than a regurgitation of corporate propaganda, the need for alternative ways to find our news has never been more urgent. I have been experimenting with a new independent media app called OptOut News, which is available for free on iOS and Android.
Major social platforms including Facebook and TikTok continue to make money by running ads that misinform their users. OptOut News could is an essential tool for truth-seekers to find the important stories that are increasingly buried. It is a journalist-run news aggregation app that delivers independent, reliable media—much of which I’ve recently discovered through the app and love! OptOut features groundbreaking investigative reporting, incisive commentary, podcasts, and video streaming from independent news staples like The Nation and The Majority Report and smaller, up-and-coming outlets such as Prism and Working People. The app has no native ads and no algorithm. Instead, working journalists curate the main news feed. Users can also build their own feeds by following their favorite reporters and publishers.
Behind the app is the OptOut Media Foundation, a nonprofit charity founded by two innovative journalists and friends of mine: award-winning money-in-politics reporter Alex Kotch and investigative reporter Walker Bragman, who have both done excellent work exposing some forces that work to seriously undermine our democracy. Donations to the foundation are tax-deductible and go towards building the user experience and expanding the organization’s offerings, which include not only the app but several newsletters and a podcast. You can learn more about the app and nonprofit and sign up for their free newsletters at optout.news.
I have enjoyed getting my news the OptOut way: from trusted sources, without the noise of social media. The world may be burning, but projects like this give me hope.
Check it out and see if it’s for you.
please unsubscribe me from the newsletters, I have requested this to no avail and mu provider isn't able, help!
Thank you Marianne!! Couldn’t come at a better time for me, i’ve been feeling this need!!!