Listened to most of Judge Preska’s summation & was thoroughly appalled at her tone & demeanor. To be clear, I’m no legal scholar, but when she claimed he needed to be “hit between the eyes with a proverbial two by four” because he (paraphrasing here) is a threat to “the foundations” of the American justice system (huh?)…I felt a little nauseous.🤢

(Pretty rich stuff from a Federalist Society judge presiding over a trial reaking of corruption & conflicts of interest…)

Had to force myself to listen & bear witness…but it was definitely demoralizing to hear.

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Deep gratitude, Marianne, for all you do and are and for this update outlined so clearly and fully. I agree that this is more the beginning of what comes from this rather than the end. Personally, I am feeling kind of numb today and so your words have been particularly helpful. And so, we keep on. Thank you for keeping us informed.

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It's like if a vegetarian were being prosecuted by a group of butchers, it's sickening. The man has served more than he should if he were guilty and the only people who think he is are associated with big oil. This deserves the attention of anyone serious about climate justice, certainly Biden's administration.

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I am not expecting much from the Biden administration. The simple fact that his Dept of "Justice" has refused to intervene, speaks volumes about where Biden's loyalties lie.

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Yes, follow the money and that's where the loyalties are.

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Thank you, Marianne, for your updates on the unfolding of Steven’s case today. Not only was Justice not served and the sentencing a blow, but the judge’s language was particularly malicious when she referred to the sentence as hitting Steven “with a (‘proverbial’) two-by-four between the eyes.” Thank you for all you are doing in raising awareness and championing Steven’s case. I am praying for him and his family on this dark day, and I look forward to hearing about the available options in moving forward towards true Justice!

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Marianne, thank you for this sad update on Steven Donziger! This outcome means those who've been working on backing climate change mitigation and adaptation will have to work even harder and more collectively to save humans and other sentient beings from destruction. That requires lots of personal energy (and I am close to exhaustion now).

It simply amazes me to consider that there are folks who actually think they can protect themselves from unbreathable air, undrinkable water and toxic soil: all heading in leaps and bounds our way unless we collectively unite to stop this insanity! So, I guess this means I write letter number two to Biden at the White House.

Marianne, peace to you and keep safe!

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Yes, Joan, this means our letters 2,3,4,5 and however many it takes for us to see results that might save our democracy and our Planet! 💕☮️💕

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Marilyn, absolutely, we have no other choice! We cannot sit back and hope that somehow the fossil-fuel lobbyists are thinking of the people and have a whole-hearted reverence for life--I wish they did!

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Yes and there are still only a minority of lawyers getting busy on the growing injustices that come from humanity being in the grip of collective unconsciousness( fear). As far as the topic of unlawful home detentions and constitutional matters go a lawyer in SA is a great risk pointing out his govts failures. https://www.brighteon.com/04148f7b-6fd0-478e-8010-29902166ce30

Letting people know the PCR test is being misused used , the only so called proof of " covid" when the test cannot even detect 1 whole transmissible virus. Healthy people, goats and paw paws have all tested "positive" for " covid" with the test . https://assets-global.website-files.com/5fe278eca0211c320de2c6/60c2c0ef2f009a01af1e18be_Doc%2010%20Original%20AFLDs%20Complaint.pdf

This is what being in the grip of fear looks like... insanity.

The corporations look to be profiting greatly off the covid19 psyop, follow the money.

You find big pharma corporation and the central banks have dramatically increased their profits off the covid19 psyop.

As the fear ( brain freeze) wears off on the people the madness of govt( and their courts) rampant lawlessness and breaching of the constitution questioning and reasoning may start to kick in for those that are seemingly hypnotized by media.

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The PCR test( that has no reference ) a clinical tool wrongfully given "under Emergency "permission by FDA to diagnose disease when it cannot detect even 1 whole transmissible virus.

PCR test just transcribes and amplifies a few rna (from a dna contaminated sample), a few short sequences of rna ( rna sequences that is even found up the nose of healthy people in their virome).

The corporate for profit fraudulent misuse of this PCR test in order to create " cases" is a little known fact as people have believed the media's corrupt " experts".

The whole corporate media "covid19" campaign is a big Lie .

From the media amplified fear" covid19" we have seen a never ending string of wrong action and increasing constitutional breaches ( govts rules and measures). As from people in the grip of fear and ignorance there comes wrong actions.

Our inner state creating the outer.

We stop the inner pollution and the outer will stop.


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More than 1/2 of the directors of the Board of the FDA work for the drug companies, often CEO's or other officers, and the FDA is greatly paid annually by these drug companies for "policing" them. The Fox is in the hen house!

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Unfortunately, the DOJ has been weaponized. All three branches of 'government' have been corrupted. We need The Kingdom (or Government) of God. May this Realm be revealed soon.

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I’m afraid the Biden administration is a slave of the oil industry himself. Its only talking, but Im happy your on this case Marianne. Its not only oil companies, but big multinationals in general, like the pharma industry, who do anything to get there way, anything!

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Thats so sad and a slap in the face poor man..hopefully all the people will support this and get Bidens administration to stop this and pray they are not being puppeteerd as well..

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Not that I had any faith in the judicial system to start with but what little I had I've lost.

It's naked now, America is a corporate state

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I'm in agreement with you more often than not and certainly appreciate making us aware of this court case. Part of the fatigue for me is trying to desifer what is the truth and what is not. I really do hope your comment section is monitored for conspiritorial misinformation and called out when necessary. Thanks for all you do.

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America, the land of Corporate citizenship, a travesty, not concerned with human citizens.

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Sad by the outcome but not shocked nor surprised by it. For the longest time in modern history we in the "developing" world have been told that the "developed" world is "developed" because those societies live and sustain the rule of law. Ironically what is clear and was clear to the wise folks back then was/is that the rule of law applies differently to those who are part of the "developed" world. Unfortunately this becomes racial in nature as the "developing" world is predominantly no white while the "developed" is majority white.

I say "developed" or "developing" in quotes cuz again for eons, people have claimed that majority of the non white world is not "developed" and it is cuz predominantly most of those folks dont live by the rule of law. Ultimately what this all boils down to is this, "might is right" you can do anything and get away with it as long as you either have the military or economic power to do so. Marianne Williamson & her friends/supporters can talk all they want but I doubt the will be able to have real significant change in their lifetime. Wish those trying to change the status quo, kudos to them for having hope.

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Maybe they can discover malfeasance if they can show Loretta Preska somehow would personally benefit from her decision. Then, maybe it could be considered a mistrial? Anyone have ideas on this? I assume Donziger is appealing the decision--hope he finally wins!

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Unfortunately, in our unjustice system, judges are godlike.

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