

Crunch time!

Dear Friends,

Please watch the video above. It explains not only why our campaign is important but also why it’s the one to beat Donald Trump in the general election.

It’s also a pitch for the resources necessary to get our ads up on television, billboards, etc. Although I poll consistently higher than either Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy, they are not called “long shots” every time their names are mentioned, and both are given regular TV appearances on national TV. If received a fraction of the exposure on national television that is being accorded to those polling lower than I am, then our campaign would be igniting a political wildfire. And the establishment knows that.

I’m not whining about this; I’m just describing the situation as it is. Our is the campaign to win for the Democrats in 2024, because it offers the platform agreed upon by the majority of Americans. The majority of Republicans as well as Democrats want universal health care, as is afforded to the citizens of every other advanced democracy. The majority of Republicans as well as Democrats want tuition free college, as is afforded to the citizens of every other advanced democracy.

People are waiting for a campaign like ours, and on the trail the enthusiasm and reaction to our message is palpable - even extraordinary.

President Biden’s platform might reflect the data, but mine reflects the despair now experienced by far too many Americans. The level of hopelessness in our country is at unsustainable levels, and we need a President who thinks the government has a far more robust role to play in serving the needs of its citizens.

To my supporters, the message is this: it’s crunch time. We need to put the ads right now, and for those of you who feel the righteousness of this campaign in your bones: please support us now.