I have two quotes that support what Marianne is saying. One is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, "Society's job is Conformity. Our job is to find our Authenticity in the face of Conformity". The other is from Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world". We can't wait for somebody else to show up - WE are the change we have been looking for!

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I agree with you, Marianne. Americans have "been trained" to accept too little.

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If you’re a minority expect less.

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If the American people were married to the government, we would have divorced a long time ago for utter neglect and abuse. We need to break free from a system that is actively destroying us and our future.

We are still in the denial phase, and too many think if they vote harder for their color of choice, things will get better. They won't. No one is coming to save us.

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Jun 17, 2023
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But humans can overcome evil with strong will, i.e. defeating Adolf Hitler, freeing people from slavery and more. It's all a matter of perception.

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Jun 17, 2023
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It seems most Americans are choosing the path of least resistance to survive since they're so distressed. That's not a good way to live. I agree with you about reality vs. perception, however, most aren't into reality but their own storyline--creating the mess as you mention. Individual nor collective consciousness doesn't even seem to be serving most well, but propaganda seems to be thriving with little critical thought even happening. It's exhausting.

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Jun 18, 2023
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What if anything do you think will work to change course? It seems fear is the culprit: inducing hate over love. Any ideas for undoing the Matrix?

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We have been hobbled by fear and distrust, thinking and believing that we have no power. In our democracy, people are the power!! Have the courage to act with courage now. We must trust in ourselves and reaffirm the agency of our democracy.

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jan krick, you are spot on! I am deeply troubled that our citizens don't seem to understand their own rights under U.S. democracy. I look at other countries, like the UK, where their citizens gather in the thousands in the streets to object to policies they abhor.

It seems the fabric of our American people has truly weakened. This makes the U.S. ripe for a total takeover by either tyrants, fascists or those perceiving themselves as American aristocratic elites. So we have a choice: rise up or roll over! I choose the former action. Thanks for sharing your views--that too requires courage these days.

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Our 'training' has been going on for at least a century, as Edward Bernays explained in the 1930s... "Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."

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Joan, the countries you mention are somewhere between what the USA was and outright communism. The important question for Americans too young to remember what America was IS to read why immigrants flooded our shores to come here legally from the countries you mentioned and many others for real individual freedom and "government by the people. If you don't remember what freedom from government control was like it's only because it has been slowly eroded until we have become weak and dependant-- willing to let others dictate what we think. If we let freedom die we will ever get it back?

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Yuval Noah Harari, historian and futurist says, two-thirds of living is fictional. We tell ourselves stories about our lives and society: much of it untrue, for example, we invent the fiction of money and economics too. What's real? Our bodies. So it depends on what you wish to think and why but rarely is it true for all. That's life on Earth.

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Yes! But even this is but Half true. According to a very wide range of people on earth from world famous scientist Robert Lanza to MaryvBaker Eddy to Jesus-- even our bodies are illusion. "The flesh profiteth nothing; it is spirit (consciousness) that quickeneth."

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You are right--our higher, truer self is spirit or consciousness connected to the unfathomable Cosmos. The new paradigm of scientists say consciousness is material--it emanates from within the universe, and we can gather insight from it locally if we listen to our higher heart, meditate, etc. This is deep stuff and most people aren't paying attention since it's both hard and simple to accomplish--depending upon someone's stronger will to attain enlightenment.

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I believe you were correct when you said "consciousness is the unfathomable..." This means by its nature it is NOT material. But because it is the eternal, infinite Truth it is not temporal matter. The Good News: we are reflections of this Consciousness; matter is illusion. When we begin to understand that we are on the way to "the peace that passes understanding."

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"we have become weak and dependent" - this is so true and our government is creating this dependency, certainly in the Department of Human Services. They are driven by numbers and dependency is what has created generational welfare and poverty and dependency on government programs and services.

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Yes! And progressives seem to want us to become more dependent. Government control of our school system has eliminated "God" , the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence from the minds, hearts and understanding of millions of Americans. I had hoped the Marianne Williamson would want to correct that. I guess not.

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Why would you say, "I guess not"?

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Because Marianne seems to want our bloated government to get bigger and "take care of us" more.

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Although there are so many possibilities for positive change that don't even used to exist in other places, we have forgotten how wonderful and powerful we are and have allowed the myth of a representative government to continue not to represent us and the greater good. A new day and a new way with Marianne.

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Wow, at first I thought Marianne was really on to something! Yes, it's time to stand up for our God-given rights! It's time to take back the America our forefathers built for us with their bare hands. But Marianne wants us to fight for free stuff. "Go for it"! she says! Rise up and demand what Barack Obama promised--a transformed America! A totalitarian state where the government is the only power God is out-the government takes care of us in return for bigger crumbs! Stand up and demand COMMUNISM! It's works so well everywhere else.

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It isn't free if it's your own tax money that's paying for it. It's something you worked for! Are you suggesting we get rid of social security? Or the fire department? Or public schools? They're all "free," you know.

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Thanks for responding. Yes, that was my point. Some people get it "free" but the hard working citizens payed for it. Social security is the government using our money and then graciously giving us back some of it. I'm all for the Spiritual revolution that will ultimately bring God's kingdom back to reality. I think you agree with that, but I don't understand why you would think that more, bigger government is going in the right direction. Don't we need more validation of spiritual Truth and LESS government?

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Mr. Gleeson, do you think the governance in Europe, Australia, the UK, and New Zealand, as examples, are communist controlled? I am sorry you think the way you do.

Actually, totalitarian states can happen when there are extreme conservatives or communists too. Marianne still believes and lives the principles of our democratic nation--to foster for all the ability to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as a free person. As for God, the Great Creator, or whatever you wish to apply to a spiritual force, well, that force has nothing to do with human decisions but serves as a guide to making choices for the common good of all.

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Jun 17, 2023Edited
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It seems there is a lot of confusion over the difference between the philosophical meaning of words and their application in the material world. Like "socialism is when the people producing stuff get to decide what to do with it." That sounds good but in practice it means people give most of what they earn to a government that gives them back "free stuff" they may not need or want.

This is the unsolvable problem that Marianne Williamson faces as she tries to marry her years of teaching ACIM to the idea of running a country in the material world. No one can make the world of the senses believe in, much less obey, the perfect law of spirit. When everyone accepts the Truth there will be no need for governments.

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Jun 17, 2023
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Mario, taking care of people is a personal, family local or state issue not a federal responsibility. Reread the constitution. As we as a culture give in to slow, persistent pressure to abandon God and faith, God given rights, the family and parental control to government/ media control, we then expect big government to take the place of family, local and state solutions. In 250 years we have defeated an oppressive government, built the freest country in human history and then watched as our government grew into a corrupt behemoth far worse than the one we revolted against in 1776.

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In reality, there are no free meals, at school or elsewhere. We need good schools, decent housing for every American and jobs with livable wages. Everyone should have enough income to pay for their children’s school lunches and sports. When we accept handouts we become dependent; when we pay our own way, we feel proud and equal. No free meals. That divides us into the haves and have nots. Hold your head up, pay your own way!

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It's interesting that's what you are hearing from her. I'm not hearing that at all.

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I think if you follow USA economy that was (relatively) so strong and fair after WWII - from Reagan's trickle down to store clerks needing multiple jobs and food support to survive, you will understand what is wrong. Robert Reich, an expert on our country's economy, is doing a great job online telling what's up while drawing cartoons that make it easy to understand.

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Who pays for these "free" meals? Did you or do we let the government do it with other people's money?

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Now you need shirts, Marianne, with ‘Marianne Williamson For President’ on them as my Bernie shirt has that I bought in 2015 and still wear (as I am today) and still get positive feedback. Bernie almost got the nomination in 2016 and tried again, of course, in 2020 and didn’t do so well. You can do the “reverse”, Marianne, and, pull it off as Bernie almost did in 2016. The young people are ready for it and you need a way to connect with them besides asking for money and putting forth an agenda that does, indeed, “speak” to them and many others like myself. You need a shirt!

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She got T-shirts now! Please get one via her campaign website!

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