Your inspired people centered leadership is so deeply appreciated!

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We need you Marianne. The world needs your insight. ❤️

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thank you. You are the leader we need in today's world. I pray for the angels to clear your path

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Marianne, your perspective is right on! I liked this sentence: "While the ways of the past are a catastrophic guide to the future, the current administration is not so much transitioning to something better as doubling down on what has not worked before." Sadly, the old paradigm of patriarchy that encompasses power, domination, and control isn't applicable in this century! We, indeed, need co-creative collaborative processes to achieve justice and peace.

I look forward to reading your foreign policy ideas. Your steadfast convictions to keep writing, speaking, and showing up gives me the courage to go on and fight for truly progressive policies for the people that you offer in spades! I thank you for your courage every day! Joan Halgren

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In such situations, words become action to an extent. So it's good that Ms Williamson's declared position with regard to this conflict is starting to make more sense than her initial statement. But who are those upcoming foreign policy ideas meant for? The Biden administration? Are they expected to pay attention? And what about the ongoing proceedings? With their price tag of a hundred dead children a day? The US could stop this whole thing within an hour. Instead, the White House pledges support for the victims of genocide and asks for fifteen billion dollars in military aid to those committing it at the same time. In this case, "right" words simply cover up some very wrong actions. I believe someone aptly called it the "liberal handwringing industrial complex”...

And if I may, a couple of words on this recent "meditation", which synchronicity you so deeply appreciated. Don't you think that it’s kinda unconscionable to suggest that what's currently happening can be somehow perceived as part of this "material dream"? And as such, it's not really real, really there, or really final - because at some point, everybody is going to "awaken" to that "larger reality" where all this stuff doesn't really matter? Someone who chose to sever all ties with society and is meditating under a lonely baobab can legitimately manifest such an attitude. But someone who chooses to serve people as a political figure and is currently running for president in the country that is up to its eyeballs in this conflict? I'm not so sure. In this case, this implicit absolving oneself of responsibility on some ethereal grounds is downright vile and borderline evil. Not to mention that this approach is simply erroneous. Let me offer an illustration. As you know, all hard objects are, in a way, illusions. They are just myriads of particles horsing around in space with unfathomable speed. But if you place yourself in front of a brick wall and try to go through this "illusion" head first, you are going to seriously damage your delusional dome. At the same time, protons, neutrons, and electrons aren't fairy tales either. So it’s not like one of these things is illusion. Rather, they both are very much real. They're just different levels of the physical universe. In a similar way, your social existence - even if we agree that it unfolds at surface levels of reality - is not any kind of dream (unless you believe that you are in the Matrix - literally, not metaphorically). Although, choosing to stick to the surface and ignoring the potential of "deeper" levels would probably be a critical mistake indeed. Going to another levels, however, is neither automatic nor guaranteed. It doesn't happen "at some point" by "miracle". Again, it's a lifetime journey. And those killed at the very beginning of theirs are unlikely to have a chance to even start on their path. What's happening to them looks pretty freaking final. Someone may say, "That is not for sure". This may be true. But the same goes for the opposite assumption. Suggesting otherwise would be mendacious in any situation. But under current circumstances, it's patently obscene...

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I am not certain American Zoetroper what you are trying to exactly say here. However, I agree with Yuval Noah Harari that 2/3 of life is fictional; all we need to be aware of are our senses, imagination, feelings, and thinking. And probably the only thing that truly matters is getting into the gap, within silence. to gain some sort of insights by observing one's feelings and senses--learning something new. Yet, to what extent anything really matters we do not really know nor, perhaps, does it even matter. It's amazing we exist here at all! But the narratives we tell repeatedly are significant and create history: true or not. Funny!

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That's the whole point, Joan. The "narratives" can be VERY significant. So it would be great to try to get them straight...

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Your right. Great, positive progress can happen when folks abide with the same story! Any idea on which one will help humanity evolve? Or will AI do that? Anything seems possible. Enjoy your day 🤗,

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I had to edit the second pat of my initial reply to you a bit. Because it looks like I'm unable to distinguish between a period and a question mark at times. I hope it's easier to follow it now. Sorry about that. Bartholomew Jojo and I are permanently in the fourth grade for a reason :)

Humanity as a whole is unlikely to evolve. If it was capable of that, it would have done it already. Today's society is no more civilized, let alone spiritual or anything, than its predecessor from the Dark Ages. It's simply infinitely more hypocritical. It kills people in millions and calls it "humanitarian missions". It starves kids in millions to death and calls it "humanitarian aid". It re-elects Nuremberg level war criminals as presidents in the largest democracies on the planet and listens to their lectures. We can go on with this list forever, can't we? Society is sleepwalking directly into Orwell's nightmare, but folks still can't be bothered opening their eyes. Come on... But if you'd like some universal principle you can't go wrong with, it'd be very simple. The more accurate your perception/description of reality is the better. So it makes sense to start with calling things by their right name...

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I'm for a better way! I think we all are when it comes to that! I'm for you Marianne! I truly hope you can lead the way back home! Love you!

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Your voice needs to be heard by the global community. I don't have a solution to the resistance from major news outlets and the politics as usual status quo, but wise voices of reason who can lead the way to peaceful solutions must be heard. I know what you can do as President and at the same time, I pray you can find a way to raise yourself and others who can lead the way to peaceful sustainable solutions for the 21st Century to the fore now, before it is too late.

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Gosh, it’s so true. Love what you anre doing Marianne! Educate not obliterate. One day Truth will join up equal to the great Truth, Life and Love you show, we show; then Peace will come.

Till then, Bravo Bravo onwards we go! You have my vote all the way!

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As in Scilla Elworthy's book "A Business Plan for Peace"! (And, sometimes the only thing that can meet someone with a gun is someone SANER with a gun ie: Ukraine fighting Putin). I heard Biden mention the 2 State Solution but neither Israel nor Palestine seem to want that? Or am I getting that wrong?

Thank you for standing up Marianne!

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Some in the Middle East are seeking a one state solution. Hopefully, ASAP, the conflict will end and a permanent peace process can truly happen!

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Thank you for being a voice for sanity.

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Wake up America!!

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It's hard to wake up if it means going from the comfort of dreaming to the challenges of reality. Especially when the latter is starting to resemble some sort of nightmare. Why would you think people still choose to vote for the same politicians who they know are corrupt in the same system that they know is rigged? To turn to the same outlets that they know are professional liars? Because they want to be wide awake? Because they want to see things as they are? Are you sure you are fully awake, sir?

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Absolutely. "It's hard to wake up." Am I fully awake? Likely not, I am sure there is more to see that I would find acceptable and more unacceptable. I am attempting to be and do what I think I know is best. I suspect you are doing the same.

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I guess I'm kinda trying... But my main point here is that even those politicians who position themselves as "progressives" keep offering very distorted descriptions of reality. Basically, they choose to do pretty much the same thing as their "less" progressive counterparts have been doing for ages - tell their potential voters what those want to hear. Mr Sanders would be a perfect example. And, as far as I can see, that was one of the main reasons why his campaign didn't result in a larger movement - although probably contributed to the attempts at reviving rank-and-file unionism - and imploded as soon as he was out. To my knowledge, there were only two fairly famed people in American politics lately who tended to tell the truth - Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura. And the fundamental problem is exactly that - people like their special realities. While you're right and it's essential to "wake up"...

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Interesting and i look forward to reading your ideas on foreign policy. There seems to be a swing in global opinion supporting the Palestinians and now Gutierrez has spoken up. I believe part of Biden's motivation is that Israel is seen as a necessary ally in the Middle East (along with Saudi Arabia). The USA believes a network of alliances is necessary to protect the American way of life. I must admit as a UK citizen I subscribe to this to some extent. It appears for instance we do have more freedom of speech than many other countries. How can a multipolar world be a safe one?

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Simply by respecting one another.

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Yes, Oscar. Respect is key and also the realization the we humans are all one--different religions, income, etc. but at our core we all want the same: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness--being loved and secure too. This doesn't require division but collaboration of thought to achieve! I remain hopeful:).

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I pray you make it into the Oval Office Marianne. We know miracles are possible.

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Thank you Marianne for being the voice that resonates with many. Unfortunately in my neighborhood and my own family it’s difficult to talk about politics and it saddens me. Keep being that beacon of light in this dense world.

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Keep you voice heard in this insanity 🙏

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Just as we have dangerously militarized our domestic police forces, we have dangerously militarized America’s foreign policy as well ... We need a new beginning and a season of repair. Let us choose a better way ... Let us choose ... MARIANNE WILLIAMSON!

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"Our salvation comes by recognizing all this is only a dream in our mind. Nothing in the dream is true. Nothing that seems to happen in a dream has ever occurred in truth. It is possible to wake up from a dream. We have a loving Companion Who constantly calls us to awaken. He represents our Father, Whose limitless Love for us has never changed. He will help us undo the belief that made the dream. When the belief is undone, the dream is gone. We remember that we are safe and loved in the Heart of Love." © 2018, Pathways of Light. http://www.pathwaysoflight.org

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