YOU ARE MY HEROINE FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER. thank you Marianne for your your grit, your genius and your gorgeous grace. Please go rest well!

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Bravo to you for stepping up and stepping into the arena. Your courage and love throughout all of this has been a marvel. I thank you with all my heart for what you have done.

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We love you, Marianne. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for heeding the call and taking action like you have. You are a God send and we are collectively better for the work you have done.

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It was a pleasure to serve you in our work towards a more just and loving country. Your strength, courage and humility is a wonderful gift you have given so selflessly to us all. You have given so much. No regrets my dear Marianne ❤️. I will continue to be with you daily in morning meditation.

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Thank you for giving so generously your being for the benefit of others. Your message will continue to resonate, I am sure. Recharge and be ready for the next spiral of your unique journey.

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Deep gratitude Marianne, know you planted many seeds in our hearts…

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Marianne, you are our modern Joan of Arc! Fearless, authentic , courageous , true to yourself and therefore all of us-willing to put yourself completely on the line for what you believe in-A role model that inspires beyond measure. You have demonstrated another way of leading that behind closed doors would have made many tremble because of its profound integrity. We honor and celebrate having your vision and true power in our lives- may you be blessed a thousand fold for what you have shown and continue to show what is possible and for who you are. 💗

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Oh Marianne, so beautifully spoken! Your courage, your honesty, your intelligence and integrity are truly an inspiration. Yes, the only real failure in life is indeed that which we fail to learn from. I carry your wisdom in my heart always. Thank you

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Oh my beautiful Marianne. I am so proud of your courage. You spoke your truth to power. Please go rest and enjoy your granddaughter. It’s not over miracles will be generated from your power.

Love you.

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As my Dad used to say about you, “that Marianne is one class act”. You certainly are…you’re brilliant and courageous too. I am certain you will continue to do great things and inspire many of us to do great things, as well. Thank you for running. ♥️

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Thank you for standing up and speaking what others wont in this arena, and for those who cant. Your leadership is so needed.

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Marianne, your quest to uplift others has been nothing short of magnificent! You are a contemporary pioneer. Here's a quote from Agnes De Mille that I think you will appreciate because it reminds me of your being: "When you perform...you are out of yourself--larger and more potent, more beautiful. You are for minutes heroic. This is power. This is glory on Earth." Marianne, your positive journey continues. Best wishes always, Joan

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Thank you Marianne 🤍

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You brought a lot to the table and raised the bar. And you are tough enough.

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Thank you for having made the effort. The moderate and progressive wings of the Democratic Party are still stuck in the concept of an orderly line of succession. Any newcomers are disparaged by both of these entities.

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The Democrats (Republicans too) are too corrupted for Marianne. I relate to the party of Roosevelt as Marianne does, but that party died with John F. Kennedy. They don't want it back. It's truly sad.

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Totally agree. They have been an increasingly fake party since 2016, when they failed to learn lessons from that campaign.

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well said, Eric. thank you.

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Well Marianne, you injected some much needed medicine into the kicking and screaming U. S. political chaos. They rejected it. Chaos never listens. But this medicine is required. Only the time we take it is voluntary.

Now you have a platform with ideas for all to see. Now that you’re not in the running they may finally be able to hear you if they care to look.

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and even if they can't or won't ... we all still have it ... fresh from Marianne, herself!

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Ideas like Marianne’s whose time has come won’t be ignored. They’ll be copied by others. In the longer run though she will be remembered as the one who stepped out in front of the political conformists and attempted something sensible and righteous like Bernie Sanders tried to do. Truth tellers upset power brokers in Washington. She will get credit but like Nikola Tesla it will come later.

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I don't care that they stole my idea. I care that they don’t have any of their own. Nikola Tesla

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Tesla also said:

What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment...

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lessons that seem to get forgotten between ages... and so must be learned anew by succeeding generations. sometimes it feels like we're now living in the middle ages... except with technology that we'd have thought might prevent some of the ancient practices borne of ignorance. nope.

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