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Sounds like an idea! Will subscribe and give it a read later!! Thanks Suzanne

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Ahhh thanks for liking Marianne!! You're a massive inspiration.

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You are a Great Voice for Freedom Love and Respect. You are but a single drop of rain. One single drop of rain is the beginning to every major storm hurricane or typhoon that was ever seen by man. My all simple drops of rain unite to form your storm to Goodness and fairness to all. Peace Be with You.

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Thank you for speaking clearly. I am a monthly. You were a discovery during the 2020 round and it is great that you not only stayed engaged, but are revealing true inner steel.

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Yes! You are my “no brainer” choice!

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We are kvelling and so proud to be a supporter of your efforts. The wheels of turpitude and same ole same ole are turning. A new era of good people waking up to amazing, pure and thoughtful leadership.

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Do you really think a woman of her stature would resort to Yiddish in her every day parlance?

I thought her forebearers saw to it that no one would ever have to shuffle around the streets of America without having to resort to that sort of behavior ever again.

Is that not the true legacy of our work here in this massive ponzie scheme we find ourselves contributing to, both Marianne’s work and the neo-liberal world we call America today.

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Thank you from so many of us who have been following you throughout the years. Your courage, commitment and never never give up outspoken clarity is a light in the way forward. Love and Blessings.

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That was a great speech! Marianne is clear and precise! She is a Truth Teller st the very moment that we need the truth! This is a pivotal period of American history. We are at a crossroads. One path leads to ruin and the other leads to progress. It’s not too late to do the right and honorable thing! Thank you Marianne for your service! ✌️❤️

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This time around Marianne will get the populace to hear her message. People are tired of the old government mishandling in every social policy that is vital to the growth of America. I'd we are to be a cohesive nation Marianne needs to get front and center attention. We can help promote her at every opportunity.

I will vote for her when she gets the nomination.

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Better you grabbing the mic than all those yahoos currently running our country into the ground...

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Bravo. I love Marianne.

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Fantastic enlightening communication thank you!

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Just a note to give credit to James Baldwin for his quotation”Not everything that is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced”

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If you read the article, you will see that I did

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I like Marianne also am here to give credit where credit is due.

Unlike Marianne, I am not here to rob the world of populist energy and use it to satisfy the exact people she pretends to lecture in public.

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Wow. Fanatic much?

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The whole world will improve with you at the helm of America.

It is not the form of governance that is most important. It is that leader of quality care about serving their people and doing what helps them. You are that person.

Democrazia is a sham when companies like Cambridge Analytica can run algorithms to use catch phrases designer to manipulate people by harnessing issues people feel strongly about and scaremongering using these issues to secure a result.

The UK is an overcrowded little island and countryside people fear for their way of life with poorly planned influxes of refugees and immigrazion tacked onto villages with no pre-planned infrastrutture. . But this was a domestic failure resulting from poor planning and had nothing to do with Europe or being part of the EU.

This farce was in the UK with BREXIT. The perpetrators of this deceit had no plan. In fact I think Johnson simply wished to embarass Cameron as a continuazione of their schoolboy rivalry at Eton.

Chaos ensued and now people in the UK and Europe are poorer as a result.

The UK NHS relied upon a pan Eurooean workforce as well as home grown expertise. It was a skills and culturale exchange. Now the UK NHS is struggling.

European workers felt unwelcome after the vote to leave and returned to Europe

. The NHS - once the envy of the world -is collapsing and healthcare professionals feel tired, overworked and underpaid - especially following the Covid 19 pandemic.

I am sitting in Italy. Please excuse my italian spellchecker. I live also in Hungary. I left the uK. I could not believe the apathy or the antics of the uK. They have ruined the country I love. And the whole world is turning dangerously right wing. People care more about labels and perception..

They do not see the danger of the reality

unfolding in front of them.

Johnson did a deal with 5 milion nazis to hijack the country. He is responsible for hundreds of thousands of needless deaths of elderly and vulnerable people during the pandemic.

I want you to win. I am not rich other than in love and experience. What can i do to help?

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One of your top speeches . It is an honor to support you and spread your word .💜

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