Yes, we are called to be transformers of our time.
My webinar this afternoon (7 pm New York time Wednesday) for the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome provides original insights in how to act on this. It combines Feldenkrais insights into improving brain functioning with techniques for improving emotional functioning – all in the service of evolving a life-affirming culture.
Lovely!! I am 62 but have felt like I've been in a world that confuses my brain and my heart! The world you describe, basically love thy neighbor(earth, animals all living things) is the new coat I have wrapped myself in. Old ideas have no value. For this country, the US, we must atone, Reparations, Land Back and a multitude of injustices must be addressed in order to right this Republic. 8th step in AA made a list of ALL persons we have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all
9th step made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so woulds injure them or others
I needed to read this right now Marianne. I just read about the stunt DeSantis pulled with arresting voters for "fraud" and felt physically sick....then I clicked on this Transform blog. Yes; the death of an old world view and the birth of a new one. Very chaotic but necessary to go through. Thank you.
“The universe is consciousness. It is energy. Those two things are causal while the material world is a realm of effects. Learning to navigate consciousness is the power that alone can transform the world. And the greatest navigational tool is love … It is the sunset of one world and the dawning of another. Day has turned into night, now the night is turning into day”… Wonderful writting … and we need people … a person … a choir … not a majority … but a tipping point … Wish you the Best!
GOOD NEW WORSHIPFUL WEDNESDAY, Marianne & thank you as ALWAYS for an INSPIRING & INFLUENTIAL message for this “SEASON” we as human kind are “FORAGING” thru, right now!
Just the inspiration we need right now to navigate these tumultuous times. It is like our compass and our lighthouse. Thank u once again Marianne for sending just the right message in the right moment.
I love the analogy of “birthing” in a new era. When I see and feel the pain our indifference as a Society has inflicted upon itself, it is helpful to remember that we can be the change we long for in every moment.
Today, September 1st, is the 1st day of Spring in the southern hemisphere and the first day of Autumn (Fall) in the northern. Wherever you may be though, the place to be is in the eternal holy instant.
"Let us come daily to this place, and spend a while together. Here we share our final dream. It is a dream in which there is no sorrow, for it holds a hint of all the glory given us by God. The grass is pushing through the soil and trees are budding now, and birds have come to live within their branches. Earth is being born again in new perspective. Night has gone, and we have come together in the light." (ACIM Workbook - 2. What is Salvation.) 😊
Transformation is something I am “living” right now so this write up of yours has special meaning for me. Part of my transformation includes the desire to impact people in a positive way of which there are opportunities for me virtually every day. The causes I am most interested continue .. are human rights, voting rights, climate change, gun violence, world peace, and how to impact the political process. I am interested in any ideas on how to get involved in a positive way with any of the above - with individuals or groups.
Thank you once again Marianne . I find that lesson 33 helps me .There is another way of looking at the world.
Yes, we are called to be transformers of our time.
My webinar this afternoon (7 pm New York time Wednesday) for the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome provides original insights in how to act on this. It combines Feldenkrais insights into improving brain functioning with techniques for improving emotional functioning – all in the service of evolving a life-affirming culture.
Wednesday 31 August 7 PM New York time
Zoom Meeting:
Passcode: 979273
Thank u. Peace.
Lovely!! I am 62 but have felt like I've been in a world that confuses my brain and my heart! The world you describe, basically love thy neighbor(earth, animals all living things) is the new coat I have wrapped myself in. Old ideas have no value. For this country, the US, we must atone, Reparations, Land Back and a multitude of injustices must be addressed in order to right this Republic. 8th step in AA made a list of ALL persons we have harmed and became willing to make amends to them all
9th step made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so woulds injure them or others
I needed to read this right now Marianne. I just read about the stunt DeSantis pulled with arresting voters for "fraud" and felt physically sick....then I clicked on this Transform blog. Yes; the death of an old world view and the birth of a new one. Very chaotic but necessary to go through. Thank you.
“The universe is consciousness. It is energy. Those two things are causal while the material world is a realm of effects. Learning to navigate consciousness is the power that alone can transform the world. And the greatest navigational tool is love … It is the sunset of one world and the dawning of another. Day has turned into night, now the night is turning into day”… Wonderful writting … and we need people … a person … a choir … not a majority … but a tipping point … Wish you the Best!
GOOD NEW WORSHIPFUL WEDNESDAY, Marianne & thank you as ALWAYS for an INSPIRING & INFLUENTIAL message for this “SEASON” we as human kind are “FORAGING” thru, right now!
Your words and wisdom are inspirational and balm for the soul. Thank you always!
Just the inspiration we need right now to navigate these tumultuous times. It is like our compass and our lighthouse. Thank u once again Marianne for sending just the right message in the right moment.
FANTASTIC PROSE! Marianne, your wise and prosaic words describe exactly how things are right now.
Hits the nail on the head. Precisely. Beautifully expressed. Love every thought and word. Amazing!
It is an awakening we must all truly embrace!
"Learning to navigate consciousness is the power that alone can transform the world."
Totally true.
there is a beautiful tune in Hebrew, which for lack of time i can't recall, but it's exactly what you're talking about
I love the analogy of “birthing” in a new era. When I see and feel the pain our indifference as a Society has inflicted upon itself, it is helpful to remember that we can be the change we long for in every moment.
Today, September 1st, is the 1st day of Spring in the southern hemisphere and the first day of Autumn (Fall) in the northern. Wherever you may be though, the place to be is in the eternal holy instant.
"Let us come daily to this place, and spend a while together. Here we share our final dream. It is a dream in which there is no sorrow, for it holds a hint of all the glory given us by God. The grass is pushing through the soil and trees are budding now, and birds have come to live within their branches. Earth is being born again in new perspective. Night has gone, and we have come together in the light." (ACIM Workbook - 2. What is Salvation.) 😊
Transformation is something I am “living” right now so this write up of yours has special meaning for me. Part of my transformation includes the desire to impact people in a positive way of which there are opportunities for me virtually every day. The causes I am most interested continue .. are human rights, voting rights, climate change, gun violence, world peace, and how to impact the political process. I am interested in any ideas on how to get involved in a positive way with any of the above - with individuals or groups.
Your brilliant and beautiful writing is a balm.
Thank you once again for encapsulating what is happening in our world now and the vision of what’s to come!