And we always include the members of the first Nations, the first inhabitants who had to give up their lands and maybe live an abject poverty but are also remembered as human beings deserving of the same rights we are trying to get back today. Yes we can with the impeccable leadership of President Williamson.

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It might be important to recognize the words "among these" in the sentence, "We are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and AMONG these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." So the three listed are just important examples of our certain unalienable rights. What might be additional unalienable rights?

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One ask: please include the homeless in your list of marginalized and prejudiced groups. As this population grows at a now VERY SCARY clip, all-encompassing, newly evicted souls, daily adding to the mix, tent encampments, barely existing, mental health and sleeping conditions not even fit for our pets!

the worthlessness with which they are treated is abominable

Thank you for all of your efforts and vision

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Always on point. 🎇

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Couldn’t agree more Marianne! Marianne for President!!!

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Both beautiful and excellent! Indeed, we shall pledge to restore the principles: we have greatness within us Marianne and together we must heal and make our country even better. Peace.

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Amen and Onward!

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Great article

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Way to moved away.

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Lord. I’m a practitioner of The Course. Read Gary’s books. Went on his cruise many years ago. “Don’t waste your Energy on those that can’t receive “. Ego was so divisive within the Course elite. It was undermining any true advocate.

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This is one of your better essays. Happy July 4th to you, and a Happy Birthday to you this coming weekend. Much love to you, Marianne. Even tho we've had our differences, my love for you remains stronger than any of those differences. Just as for so many Americans, love of country remains stronger than any of our internal differences and struggles.

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Well, the campaign is ramping up with MW getting some go od early coverage due to her local meetups in NH, SC, etc. She has a plan and platform but, perhaps, you mean something else when you write 'plan:?

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With your leadership and determination to make change, we can become the democracy we were intended to be. Vote! Vote for Marianne Williamson!

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Well put, fine language- what would you suggest in plain, simple words that we should do to step up erosion of the greed, fear, hate and lust for selfish power that undermines the positive parts of our foundation ideals?

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And with love?

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Truer words were never spoken. Every American needs to hear this message. Now! Also, be sure to listen to Marianne’s perfect meditation for this day on how to choose positivity over negativity in any moment of stress or anger. #marianne2024 #help4caregivers

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I’m with you Marianne, great article for this fourth.

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