This is an amazingly beautiful and courageous writing. I love you Marianne Williamson, for speaking such deep and beautifully illumined truth.... touching my soul. May the depth of your heart Prayers vibrate the Nations. Amen
In this world, we have people who try and guide us. We have fought Psychologically and Physically for what we believed was right. By, right I mean, the fundamental character of goodness in peoples soul. To love, to honor, to respect, to encourage, and to teach. We also have to learn from people who have come before us. Civilizations that have been won and lost. It is obvious why these civilizations spun out of control.
Our creator gave us a guide book on how we are to live, so that we do not spin into chaos. I respect that and try to listen to my conscious. I love this world and it’s beauty and I refuse to leave it in this way. I love every creature on this planet, every animal and tree. I respect the beauty of it all. It brings me actual joy to look at that beauty and be a part of it. I am not in a state of delusion.
We have people that are living in this time and space that dislike their lives as they currently stand. They have resorted to trying to achieve what they want, through hurting people by tainting things in the physical world. Setting fires, putting harmful chemicals in are food and air, even singling out people, that may have more monetarily things they do. Well, you know about what happens when people believe that money and things will bring them happiness. Yes, there are hungry people and yes, there are deprived people. People should not try and annihilate others for what they alone are not responsible for. We are suppose to have more advanced souls. We are put on this earth to try and get it right. Dr. Martin Luther King, had it right, Gandhi, Our forefathers.
You say not to want to go backward, but, you cannot go forward when you have lost your way.
There are young adults that are completely lost. They believe they are worthless and this is the only solution. We have revered the monetary things in life instead of revering people for who they are. The talents and trades that everyone of us bring to the table, and learn from. We certainly cannot revere the earth when we are constantly poisoning it. We are poisoning the earth physically and mentally when people and movements have so much hate in their hearts.
I want this world to evolve but there needs to be a massive consensus on where we go from here. Yes, I believe that we are beginning shown this for a reason. We need to gather all the greatest thinkers. I am not one of them, but, I know this is the moment. I vote for goodness and mercy.
Some of my Apocalyptic war was found in a church basement long ago. Sitting there being disloyal to an alcoholically destructive family, I was trembling with fear. Over the next month or so I got used to it and the trembling stopped. And my life began.
As usual, Marianne, I agree with every word. And I thank you for another way of reminding us of the resources we have developed and the contributions we can therefore make.
I write only to add one more common and important example of the Inner Apocalyptic War, the one Steven Pressfield has written about so eloquently (in his “The War of Art” and elsewhere). That is the one, where, if we dare, we each battle against our own Resistance to making whatever unique, creative contribution we came to this planet to make.
I think his naming much of what we battle — addictions, engaging in relationship drama, and illness — as simply manifestations of that Resistance is an overstatement, but not all that far off the mark.
The implication is that not only does success at fighting our inner demons make us far more fit for contributing to positive change in the external world, but that stepping up and doing our worldly work can sometimes be the best strategy for winning those inner battles.
The good news is that, like you, me, and so many others here and elsewhere, Pressfield believes that there are divine forces ready to assist if we are ready to accept their help and do our part.
I feel these words so deeply Marianne. If only we could harness the power of those who read and understand enough to be transformed by your words, those of Charles Eisenstein, Aubrey Marcus, Daniel Schmactenberger, Paul Kingsnorth and gratefully many more. If we could at some point in the near future, Gather the Tribe, the change could be so close at hand. All those who hear this need to know there are many others who feel the call. If we knew how many there are of us, our power would be unstoppable. Our separation from each other keeps us frightened and helpless in the face of the false leaders who we've given our power over to. Yes, this is an inside job, but we cannot do it alone. B'shalom uvracha
Marianne, I am appreciative tonight of having read your writing. Today, between tasks, I've been thinking of the state of our world. Planet Earth is struggling, along with its inhabitants. And tonight, before heading off to sleep, well, I took a peek at the news only to read with sadness about the suicide of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, age 30, who leaped from a NYC building--leaving us without her talent, caring, and dedication as an attorney helping with matters regarding social justice.
So, indeed, I relish when you wrote: "And yet the new you will prevail, because nature favors the furtherance of life." I totally embrace this idea, and I have worried over the past several decades about people becoming more and more detached from what's truly important: life! I don't want people to give up no matter their circumstances, and to know they are loved. Beyond matters of politics, governance, and pandemics, we must support reverence for living above all else! And responsibly give support to everyone we encounter as best we can.
Finally, deep within my soul I sense the coming of a better era for humanity too but we must first each find our best path to contribute here without falling into despair over what we're seeing or experiencing. We must find our way back to the Great Creator--the loving source of all that is, was, and always will be; then, we will join together to create peace and joy.
Marianne, I hold fast to your principles and ideas. Thank you!
A Course in Miracles and books like Marianne's 'Tears to Triumph' and 'A Return to Love,' were vital to me surviving my apocalypse and crossing the Bridge into the Real World (ACIM). To me, the Apocalypse of Revelation is symbolic of the ego's assault on God, which happens in our minds. Fortunately, the beginning of the end of the dragon (the ego) is brought about by the sharp sword that comes out of the mouth of the Rider on the White Horse (Christ and Truth). Marianne concluded perfectly in today's article, "This is a time of gloom in certain ways, but it is also a time of signs and wonders. Something is dying, it’s true, but something incredible is being born as well."
"...ego's assault on God..." That's a new perspective for me and quite dreadful but, perhaps, maybe some think they can outwit the Force that created them! Peace!
The ego is always an assault on God because it creates the separation. The ego is nothing to fear because it is nothing. Unfortunately, the world created by the ego is dreadful. If only we could wake it up!
How can one awaken that which you describe as nothing? (And thank you for sharing your ideas.) I assume you're saying that the ego is not part of our true spirit or nature although it impacts our mortal plain?
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. To awaken means to transcend the ego mind ('Crossing the Bridge to the Real World,' ACIM Text Chapter16.IV&VI). When you awaken you see from the Real World, and create what is Real (love), and not more ego illusions. The only way to transform the world would be for everyone to awaken i.e. transcend to their Real Self instead of from the little self (ego mind). This would be the death of what was never real, which may sound ridiculous but that is what the Course teaches and shows us. Thank you too for sharing.
Thank you for this writing. I was raised thinking that Armageddon was inevitable at any time. I grew up with a lot of fear. I was a Jehovah’s Witness. I released myself finally in my 40’s from this cult, giving up my friends and family to live a better, more positive life. The apocalypse I now believe is an archetype inside us. Through my understanding of Carl Jung’s work, I have come to this same understanding as you have explained. Your words are very graceful and positive. Thank you.
Yes, there is an outer apocalypse and an inner one. For many years I've fought the inner apocalypse—and won! I am ready for the thousand years of peace. Thank you, Marianne, for a wonderful thought!
Thank you Marianne for your most perfect words at this time. May years ago when you were running for congress in Los Angeles you came and spoke at our home in Agoura. It burned down in the Woolsey fire in 2018 and we just finished rebuilding. Our mountains that were once blackened are green again and we were lucky enough to be able to rebuild but the best lesson that Mark & I learned was that we were each other’s home❤️ The pandemic and hateful politics have certainly turned our world upside down but we all have the ability to love each other through it. Thanx for being our cheerleader
I am just in awe of this piece. How I and so many of us long for this new race of people: the newly humble, the newly courageous, and the newly wise. We are all starved for love, authenticity, courage, humility, decency, respect and wisdom. How amazing would it feel to be surrounded by people like that. How healing would it be to realize that humans who walk this beautiful planet actually care about it and each other. I do not feel this way at all about the world today, but I know we’ll get there. We all are working on it.
Fantastic piece!
Hi Lauren ... Yes ... Marianne always seems to always write something Fantastic!
This is an amazingly beautiful and courageous writing. I love you Marianne Williamson, for speaking such deep and beautifully illumined truth.... touching my soul. May the depth of your heart Prayers vibrate the Nations. Amen
In this world, we have people who try and guide us. We have fought Psychologically and Physically for what we believed was right. By, right I mean, the fundamental character of goodness in peoples soul. To love, to honor, to respect, to encourage, and to teach. We also have to learn from people who have come before us. Civilizations that have been won and lost. It is obvious why these civilizations spun out of control.
Our creator gave us a guide book on how we are to live, so that we do not spin into chaos. I respect that and try to listen to my conscious. I love this world and it’s beauty and I refuse to leave it in this way. I love every creature on this planet, every animal and tree. I respect the beauty of it all. It brings me actual joy to look at that beauty and be a part of it. I am not in a state of delusion.
We have people that are living in this time and space that dislike their lives as they currently stand. They have resorted to trying to achieve what they want, through hurting people by tainting things in the physical world. Setting fires, putting harmful chemicals in are food and air, even singling out people, that may have more monetarily things they do. Well, you know about what happens when people believe that money and things will bring them happiness. Yes, there are hungry people and yes, there are deprived people. People should not try and annihilate others for what they alone are not responsible for. We are suppose to have more advanced souls. We are put on this earth to try and get it right. Dr. Martin Luther King, had it right, Gandhi, Our forefathers.
You say not to want to go backward, but, you cannot go forward when you have lost your way.
There are young adults that are completely lost. They believe they are worthless and this is the only solution. We have revered the monetary things in life instead of revering people for who they are. The talents and trades that everyone of us bring to the table, and learn from. We certainly cannot revere the earth when we are constantly poisoning it. We are poisoning the earth physically and mentally when people and movements have so much hate in their hearts.
I want this world to evolve but there needs to be a massive consensus on where we go from here. Yes, I believe that we are beginning shown this for a reason. We need to gather all the greatest thinkers. I am not one of them, but, I know this is the moment. I vote for goodness and mercy.
Wonderful and well said!
Some of my Apocalyptic war was found in a church basement long ago. Sitting there being disloyal to an alcoholically destructive family, I was trembling with fear. Over the next month or so I got used to it and the trembling stopped. And my life began.
As usual, Marianne, I agree with every word. And I thank you for another way of reminding us of the resources we have developed and the contributions we can therefore make.
I write only to add one more common and important example of the Inner Apocalyptic War, the one Steven Pressfield has written about so eloquently (in his “The War of Art” and elsewhere). That is the one, where, if we dare, we each battle against our own Resistance to making whatever unique, creative contribution we came to this planet to make.
I think his naming much of what we battle — addictions, engaging in relationship drama, and illness — as simply manifestations of that Resistance is an overstatement, but not all that far off the mark.
The implication is that not only does success at fighting our inner demons make us far more fit for contributing to positive change in the external world, but that stepping up and doing our worldly work can sometimes be the best strategy for winning those inner battles.
The good news is that, like you, me, and so many others here and elsewhere, Pressfield believes that there are divine forces ready to assist if we are ready to accept their help and do our part.
I feel these words so deeply Marianne. If only we could harness the power of those who read and understand enough to be transformed by your words, those of Charles Eisenstein, Aubrey Marcus, Daniel Schmactenberger, Paul Kingsnorth and gratefully many more. If we could at some point in the near future, Gather the Tribe, the change could be so close at hand. All those who hear this need to know there are many others who feel the call. If we knew how many there are of us, our power would be unstoppable. Our separation from each other keeps us frightened and helpless in the face of the false leaders who we've given our power over to. Yes, this is an inside job, but we cannot do it alone. B'shalom uvracha
Thank you, Marianne, for this powerful message. I affirm Peace will follow these tumultuous times. 💗🙏💗
Marianne, I am appreciative tonight of having read your writing. Today, between tasks, I've been thinking of the state of our world. Planet Earth is struggling, along with its inhabitants. And tonight, before heading off to sleep, well, I took a peek at the news only to read with sadness about the suicide of former Miss USA Cheslie Kryst, age 30, who leaped from a NYC building--leaving us without her talent, caring, and dedication as an attorney helping with matters regarding social justice.
So, indeed, I relish when you wrote: "And yet the new you will prevail, because nature favors the furtherance of life." I totally embrace this idea, and I have worried over the past several decades about people becoming more and more detached from what's truly important: life! I don't want people to give up no matter their circumstances, and to know they are loved. Beyond matters of politics, governance, and pandemics, we must support reverence for living above all else! And responsibly give support to everyone we encounter as best we can.
Finally, deep within my soul I sense the coming of a better era for humanity too but we must first each find our best path to contribute here without falling into despair over what we're seeing or experiencing. We must find our way back to the Great Creator--the loving source of all that is, was, and always will be; then, we will join together to create peace and joy.
Marianne, I hold fast to your principles and ideas. Thank you!
Im so sad to hear Ms. Kryst died and so sorry she was suffering. 💔
A Course in Miracles and books like Marianne's 'Tears to Triumph' and 'A Return to Love,' were vital to me surviving my apocalypse and crossing the Bridge into the Real World (ACIM). To me, the Apocalypse of Revelation is symbolic of the ego's assault on God, which happens in our minds. Fortunately, the beginning of the end of the dragon (the ego) is brought about by the sharp sword that comes out of the mouth of the Rider on the White Horse (Christ and Truth). Marianne concluded perfectly in today's article, "This is a time of gloom in certain ways, but it is also a time of signs and wonders. Something is dying, it’s true, but something incredible is being born as well."
"...ego's assault on God..." That's a new perspective for me and quite dreadful but, perhaps, maybe some think they can outwit the Force that created them! Peace!
The ego is always an assault on God because it creates the separation. The ego is nothing to fear because it is nothing. Unfortunately, the world created by the ego is dreadful. If only we could wake it up!
How can one awaken that which you describe as nothing? (And thank you for sharing your ideas.) I assume you're saying that the ego is not part of our true spirit or nature although it impacts our mortal plain?
Yes that is exactly what I am saying. To awaken means to transcend the ego mind ('Crossing the Bridge to the Real World,' ACIM Text Chapter16.IV&VI). When you awaken you see from the Real World, and create what is Real (love), and not more ego illusions. The only way to transform the world would be for everyone to awaken i.e. transcend to their Real Self instead of from the little self (ego mind). This would be the death of what was never real, which may sound ridiculous but that is what the Course teaches and shows us. Thank you too for sharing.
I just read Marianne's Daily Lesson for today, 145 and saw a strong relevance to our conversation. You may see the same thing. Thanks Joan!
Wow!! Yes! I embrace my own becoming! ❤️⚓️✌🏼🙏
Thank you for this writing. I was raised thinking that Armageddon was inevitable at any time. I grew up with a lot of fear. I was a Jehovah’s Witness. I released myself finally in my 40’s from this cult, giving up my friends and family to live a better, more positive life. The apocalypse I now believe is an archetype inside us. Through my understanding of Carl Jung’s work, I have come to this same understanding as you have explained. Your words are very graceful and positive. Thank you.
Thank you for this beautiful message. Every word resonated with me and filled me with calm sense of acceptance.
Yes, there is an outer apocalypse and an inner one. For many years I've fought the inner apocalypse—and won! I am ready for the thousand years of peace. Thank you, Marianne, for a wonderful thought!
Thank you Marianne for your most perfect words at this time. May years ago when you were running for congress in Los Angeles you came and spoke at our home in Agoura. It burned down in the Woolsey fire in 2018 and we just finished rebuilding. Our mountains that were once blackened are green again and we were lucky enough to be able to rebuild but the best lesson that Mark & I learned was that we were each other’s home❤️ The pandemic and hateful politics have certainly turned our world upside down but we all have the ability to love each other through it. Thanx for being our cheerleader
I am just in awe of this piece. How I and so many of us long for this new race of people: the newly humble, the newly courageous, and the newly wise. We are all starved for love, authenticity, courage, humility, decency, respect and wisdom. How amazing would it feel to be surrounded by people like that. How healing would it be to realize that humans who walk this beautiful planet actually care about it and each other. I do not feel this way at all about the world today, but I know we’ll get there. We all are working on it.
I truely love the soul of this woman!
I experience loving her, too. Thank you for giving me the chance to agree, Stephen. I am Dee ahn.