Marianne, your words are beautiful and full of love and light! May our hearts grow into a garden of glory from this day forward to heal our planet and all its inhabitants.

My 2021 has been deeply blessed by your wisdom and love for our world! Keep shining bright as the star you have become and stay safe too!



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A beautiful comment on a beautiful article.

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Dec 24, 2021
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Eric, fun to share the journey. Namaste! J.

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Marianne, Thank you so much for this Christmas Eve message. I tested positive yesterday and so I am quarantined from my family for Christmas. I was so sad yesterday that I cannot be with them on Christmas morning. But today I realized all the many blessings in my life and I am filled with deep love and gratitude for the gift of this life. Your message is a reminder to me of what I can do. I can enter into this holy night in prayer for a miracle to spread across our country and our world. God bless you and your family .Merry Christmas!

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Hi there. 😀

Choice. That is what I find in your writing. A choice to believe. At this time with all that is going on, you offer a choice to believe in Love as a reality. And you tell me I can find it within myself.

I say yes to this choice. Thank you for you.

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Marianne, as I spend this holiday season doing my best to forgive the man who broke my heart 2 weeks ago, your insights & reflections on going inward feel like the Balm of Gilead delivering in the form of a virtual 3 breath HUG.

Bright blessings from Pgh PA

P.S. is there a recording of yesterday’s Live call? I was working and missed it

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Merry Christmas!

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Thank you Marianne for your beautiful and inspiring and sobering words. You are a guiding force in my life. May you be continually guided, blessed and protected.

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I feel the same way. I just registered for her ACIM Daily Lesson emails. They're good, and not too expensive if you want to get a year of them. easier to absorb in a busy day than her wonderful Livestream talks, which I still listen to when I get the chance.

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Beautiful! 💕❤️💕

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Marianne, your words continue to enlighten, inspire, and ignite. I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Many Blessings to everyone!

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This is gorgeous, thank you Marianne

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Oh so Holy Night.

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I particularly liked these lines from another one of your better essays:

"The mind is the womb of a better tomorrow, the incubator for new beginnings and the channel for our spiritual rebirth. " and "The birth of Christ does not refer simply to the birth of one man two thousand years ago. It refers as well to the regeneration of our souls, the entrance of more love into the world in any moment when we choose that it be so. "

"May all of us be born anew this day, and miracles light our world."

Indeed, and a very Merry/Holy Holiday to you, and to yours, Marianne.

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Thank you ❤️🙏

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I awoke at 4:30am on this holy night, your words remind me that it is Good. The time is now to re create a better inner world so that the outer one reflects that truth. Thank you Marianne. Merry Christmas dear soul.

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Thank you, Marianne, for this simple clear truth! I have shared it tonight with several loved ones.

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