Humanity is purging what it’s become. The Metamorphosis of Humanity can be Quite difficult to witness. The end result, is Home

When the planet was able to turn fourth density in 2012, even with everything going on, showed us just how many have risen in Consciousness.

I see and feel what is happening today, I see God oozing out of Every crevice.

Souls like yourself, are God shining! You are Beacons

Thank you 🙏

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I wish you ran the world xxx

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Marianne, may the Cosmos continue to give you strength to do its divine work: not a simple task but hard work! Blessings to you always.

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For we are all with you...embracing this platform and the love we have

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Marianne: As always, you filter down the challenges we face to what is essential. I take these thoughts into my day with gratefulness. Thank you.

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This is Truth 🙏

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Beautiful! Thank you... yes, it does mean something that I was born at this time...❤️🙏💫💫💫💫

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I was an atheist until May of 1981 when I had a spiritual awakening to the fact that there is an entire invisible realm where God lives. From that moment on, the only thing that has mattered is how to know God and live from Truth. It is a great peace.

What I realize today is that it is incumbent on all who are born from above to speak up whenever possible because without our healing medicine (words of Truth) , the darkness you are describing prevails on Earth and people are lost to despair. We who are born of God, are truly the only light of this world and have to speak Truth whenever we meet falsehood. I do know the Truth and there are not many truths- that is preposterous. One Truth, Jesus. He is the Way. The Way out, the Way through and the Way of indescribable Peace.

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Iris all co- inhabitants on Earth are born of God: we cannot foresake any living being but help each other with our love.

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All are certainly invited to be re-born of God. But before we accept that invitation, we are born of our human parents and not more. To know ourselves fully as the Divine beings that we are in essence (born again) requires that we come to the end of our quest for meaning without God. Then we're ready to renounce the terrible deception that we can run our lives and somehow know what is right and wrong without God. Without God, we simply do not know what love is in order to do it.

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"So now, we are where we are…living on the most beautiful planet but recklessly destroying it; created as brothers and sisters but treating each other like enemies; gifted with the most amazing powers of science and technology but using them more often for personal gain and destructive purposes than for universal good."

Marianne your words have real power.

Thank you so much for your so powerful inspiration. I make a copy of your most powerful and enlightened posts (as the one of today). When time will come I'll present you a request : writing the "préface" of my manifesto on happiness (the launch, in France should be for April 2022).

With Love and Gratitude. JérôM

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I truly believe heaven is here if we will it and see it and live as if. Thank you for speaking the words we know in our hearts is the truth. You lead by example and we follow by our will to do good with love.

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Thank you so much Marianne! It helps to be reminded of that feeling of certainty that my soul chose to be here now.

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This, will be the Celestial Justice.

Have a look on this phenome from the sky : "Imagine the power of Thor"


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Thank You! I watched and it's fantastic. To God alone the glory. The Great Creator can set things right. Peace.

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We, as Human beings, are Divine. Only recognizing our ultimate Power as Divine Human can lead us to a powerful link and communication with Nature, Mother-Earth, and the Invisible Sacred Powerful Hidden Realm. Angels are all around... God bless us. And first of all, our Divine Guide, Marianne... Without the Sacred Hidden World, we can't accomplish our full potential as Divine Beings.

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This is true. I would go further to say we can not save ourselves. This is not a weakness, nor a basis for shame. It is the starting point of recovery and discovery. We need a Savior. And we have one.

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Jesus and Buddha. So We have two. 😃 Welcome to the powerful spiritual team. 😃

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My Savior is Jesus Christ. There is no other. We are saved by the Holy Spirit of God which was revealed in Christ Jesus. Many have received Divine revelations, but Jesus is The Truth Itself.

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I respect your faith and devotion for Christ who is too my guide and inspiration. I too respect Buddha as my guide and inspiration. I finally respect too a lot Rûmî who is too my guide and inspiration.

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Materialist predators run the government and the media. They must be removed by spiritual action.

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So I thank you Marianne - I read your daily meditations and thoughts and it has certainly helped me with my path to return to love. Life is very complicated and without the constant reminders we veer of the path and start the suffering all over again. It’s a senseless journey. So thank you again. I really derive great value from your work and guidance. Mercedes Granda

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A couple years ago I became "possessed" by a thought and I wrote Ted Cruz a hand written letter telling him we needed a prophet in the Senate. I have observed what has transpired with him and wondered if he just needed a good spiritual advisor. I just know I ain't it. I dream of that voice that can break the log jam.

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Thank you each day for your wise words, Marianne. 💖🙏💖

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