Marianne, please take another look! As a longtime supporter of you and also a longtime progressive activist, I have been increasingly educated and slowly appalled and angered by what is happening around the current iteration of transgender ideology. This is not about the transgender people who have always been a small percentage of the population and simply should be allowed to live their lives in peace---this is not about them and they actually are also starting to speak up in protest about what is happening to our children. This current movement is not grassroots but back by big pockets who seek to profit (and perhaps even more sinister agendas which I wont go into). We are seeing a fear and a backlash that is well understandable, as highly funded trans-activists infiltrate our schools, indoctrinate our children to question their gender, send them to clinic where they are given hormones and mutlilated with surgeries, and all of this done without real counseling and at great profit to those pushing this. Oh and they have been passing policies where if the parent doesnt agree with a childe getting "transitioned", then they are considerd a danger to the child and the child is taken into protective custody. This isbeyond horrendous, and what the replucans are up in arms about, any and all things that expose our children and confuse them unnessarily absolutely should be banned. I dont believe they are banning drag shows, what they are banning is exposing our children to lewd and damaging behavior. Please look into it! Please dont make it so I have to go to their side. Progressives need to wake up!! Here is one of many credible accounts of what is happening to our children.


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Interesting podcast. The possibility that certain medical institutions are not carefully guiding the child and parents through the process of gender identity and transitioning should ring some alarm bells. A child's health and well being should be above doctors wanting to advance their medical field. This is more than cosmetic surgery.

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I joined on just to rebut this. This is from thier website. They literally are terfs Include people who detransition, regret or desistSupport sex-based rights.

As well using extremely small acounts with no wider context. To how we should treat the wider population who are trans and don't regres or using people stopping regardless of the evidence as a reason to ban it. We aren't trying to trans your kids we want kids to be confortable how they already are. Your kids are already gay already trans. No need to talk about sex to say hey this is an okay feeling if you have it this is okay that other people are it.

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Molly, did you even watch the link, the person speaking is queer activist who speaks direct from experience. Or should I send you literally hundreds of other testimonials of children who have tried to go back to their gender, mutilated, sterilized and traumatized from being coerced. It used to be that a trans person went through years of counseling before transition. These children are told they are trans from social pressure, not from their inherrent dyshporia. kids are comfortable being kids, not the experiments of trans promoting adults. This is ruining all the hard work to support true trans ADULTS as well as the gay and lesbian communities.

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The point is that most of these people talking have an agenda to stop ALL children from transitioning, which is a child abuse. Most children undergo long years of psychological evaluation, they are not told they are trans, they are expressing this themselves. If a child says they are trans, the protocol says we should trust them instead of enforcing repression, which can lead to suicide or psychological issues later on. People need to wake up that there is an actual literal anti-trans agenda, and so-called TERFs are politically weaponized and funded by powerful people. This is much bigger than people realize. If parents are not following these guidelines, they are abusers and deserve to have their children to be taken away, like with any abuse.

This is the recent scientific report on why trans children need to transition -


Remember pushing a child into the wrong puberty that does cause the same kind of mutilation like HRT and surgery is the same like pushing non-trans child into transition and surgery, it is experienced the same way for a trans person. What it says that politicians have an agenda to prefer non-trans people, and thats what is going on, and this is how they are pushing actual legalized genocide, which is already undergoing in Florida where adult trans people are no more allowed to transition, ever! Yes ADULTS. They are hijacking kids in order to attack all, and not just trans people, all of us, so that government can have power over our body and mind. This is a double headed beast that people are not aware of.

Most trans people that commit suicide is out of social social ostracism and discrimination, HRT and surgery saves their lives, it is this society that under their intention to protect and help children are pushing children and adults into suicide, because they care more about their ideology and beliefs what a child should be. People need to wake up, we live in a society that is deeply ideological at its roots that has less regard for actual human beings than that belief system.

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Thank you for confirming this. I suspected they were TERFS aka sociopaths and narcissistis. No one with common sense could take anything they say seriously!

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Jun 6, 2023
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You mean your terf self can't understand that all women are reall women. Everyone does because I don't and that is all it takes to prove you wrong. Most commit suicide because of people like you. Hateful people who have gone cold to love in their heart. Real love doesn't force others to change who they are. Real love accepts the core of what someone is. You pho love will neve win over our real love.

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Within neurology and fetal endocrinology studies much has been found and proven in recent years. In particular there are sexually dimorphic regions of the brain that have the base neuron patterns set at the segment specific time of formation. The trigger for the difference between common feminine an common masculine associated neurological patterns, is the cellular activation by androgen hormones. In simple terms high fetal androgens normally pattern these regions in a way common to males. Without the stimulation of androgens, the default pattern in all mammals is the feminine neural pattern. Second issue is each segment forma at its own timeframe and a mix of the patterns can exist although it appears in a smaller number of individuals. The greater the mix of traits the more the person tends to self report being nonbinary. However in people who have mostly the neural network patterns opposite the normal for their birth sex, report strong transgender experience. The regions most seemingly related to gender identity are formed in the second trimester.

Another aspect of humans shows that segments that appear related to adult sexual attraction are similarly patterned by the androgen exposure levels in the third trimester. So neurology has very strong evidence that just as physical sex is selected in the first trimester, gender identity (instincts) are set mostly in the second trimester, and sexuality is set in the third trimester.

One should see transgender condition not as a psychological condition (since it could have never been treated psychologically since the 1970's) but rather as a physiological handicap, proven to be so by multiple studies over the many decades going down into the development of their neurobiology, neurotransmitters, hormone receptors, sexually dimorphic nucleus in the preoptic area of the brain, shaped in the way that's matching the opposite sex, which is then reflected by the person's body instincts, and body self perception. And it is these body instincts that makes them navigate where they belong and which major hormone running through their brain is necessary to root their gender identity into the body. This has nothing to do with nurture, but nature, this is not some mere gender confusion that most people that are gender non-conforming experiencing. It is technically a handicap, thats why trans people transition.

Why is it that within the Matriarchal societies (ie. ancient Mesopotamia, Native American and African societies) people had much more harmonious relationship with nature and also gay and trans expressions, while Patriarchal societies hunted down any deviations from the norm?

Wilhelm Reich's words down here reinforce why some children need to express their sexual orientation and gender identity since the early childhood. I hope people start realizing that so much of what people have been told about children being programmed into being gay or trans are fears designed for you to support the oppressive system you grew up in, sexual energy is the tool of control.

Wilhelm Reich (The Mass Psychology of Fascism) -

"Suppression of the natural sexuality of the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, “good” and “adjusted” in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties.

In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation.

At first, the child has to adjust to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family; this makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and sexual anxiety"

- Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism

At the end gender studies as the legitimate frontier science of understanding and probabilities are all about helping humans to bring them back into their own nature, to root them back into the earth, which is also I believe how drag queen performances may relate to this, it's been observed by some psychologists that the more we're introducing kids to life that deviates from norms set up by strict gender roles, the more those children are anchored to their own natural authentic selves, the less they feel inclinced to bully any other kids that deviate from norms themselves. The more strict gender roles and gender binary have emerged in our society, the more people suffered with repression and confusion within their own authentic self expression in terms of gender or gender role. It is believed that the more society pushes for the strict gender binary, the more trans people feel pressured to transition and more people are confused about their gender, because they are growing up in a social climate where they're not allowed to discover themselves outside of the strict norms. Wilhelm Reich speaks about sexuality which applies to gender identity as much as sexual orientation, as the repression of sexual energy.

Their fear about children being groomed was in my own eyes proven so far as nothing but a political propaganda based on children that hormonally transitioned and then detransitioned and causing damage to their body, and using it as an excuse to target the entire community and healthcare by disregarding difference and individuality, which defacto makes it a dictatorial overreach. Because there is evidence that some children need to have gender affirming care, because the damage to the body caused by the wrong puberty equals the same damage caused by the hormonal therapy for a child that is not trans at all and then developing gender dysphoria the opposite way. The fact there are ignorant people trying to save only non-trans children just shows how normalized this indoctrination that favors non-trans people already is.

When you bring children into an already implemented gender binary norm, they feel ashamed to express themselves the way they are, that indoctrination is already in place as a naturalized programming, that is why many of us see those teachers as saviors or helping voices telling them that it is okay to express however you wish to. Any authoritarian power or politician or media that pushes fear around this topic shuld be seen as a red flag not to trust this, it says clearly that they are self protecting and self projecting the need for this talked about fascistic control instead of trust and faith, because that is what they are promoting by using the fears of the scared ignorant public.

Mother nature is being freed from this system that not only implemented social gender categorization that not even animals have, but benefited the control of humanity through the binary system and therefore the sexual energy for centuries. This is the liberation, and the political system is using people's fears to uphold it and perpetuate this state of control. I have studied this for years and how it works. Take it or leave it what I have shared with you, it's there for people to change the way they see the world. It was a life changing journey for me by learning about all this, which is what most people are ignorant about.

Some would love to believe trans woman is a man by lying to their body instincts just to support their dogmatic belief system. It parallels with the religion and politics: belief/ideology over the experience/truth.

Nature and the truth prevails.

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Politicians are weaponizi9ng this out of ignorance, if a parent does not agree with a child transitioning, then they are child abusers, it is simple as that, it is not about choice, but a well being of a child, thats why they should be taken to a protective custody, do you realize how many abusive parents are there? Parents are literally pushing their children to the point they are running away from their parents or commiting suicide! You dont know what you are talking about. Politicians are hijacking your fears.. But I agree there should be more psychological evaluation, but chances are there usually is, Tavistock was an exception, not a norm.

Children SHOULD be questioning their gender, because they are naturally indoctrinated what gender they are based on their sex from early on, and that is the actual child abuse, That is not what gender identity is.

For your information, so-called gender ideology being pushed on children is healing and counter-acting the harmful old heteronormative gender ideologies being unconsciously already pushed on innocent children by older generations based on either conscious denial or utter ignorance of hard-wired innate sexual orientation and gender identity not matching the norms of sexual orientation and made-up definitions of biological sex responsible for confusing and repressing millions upon millions of children all over the world for generations with regards to their own natural authentic self expression as mother nature has intended instead of the social system rooted in sexism and misogyny. The system designed to force children to conform to social norms and gender standards driven by ideology and religion rather than actual authentic expression of sexual energy and mother nature rooted in science and self evident exprerience determined by people's own natural wiring of their neurobiology, neurotransmitters, hormone receptors, and sexually dimorphic nuclueus in the brain. All those old norms pushed on children were harmful because nature does not always fit neat binary constructs, and therefore suffers as a result through human beings in terms of sexual expression in mind, body and spirit. The reason you do not notice it because this indoctrination has been in place for generations as a naturalized and normalized programming of the mind.

It's safe to say if If Jesus Christ was around he would stand with LGBTQ being taught to children, which is essential in order to free their mind from this harmful ideology that has no regard for our spirit expressing itself through our neurobiological wiring and psychology, because he was all about honoring the divine by shaping the body to reflect it, instead of honoring the physical body by shaping the divine to reflect the body, in other words exploiting the body in order to suppress the mind and spirit. Materialistic society has lost this connection, so we're correcting it with new ways of parenting and teaching to bring children back to their own nature instead of social system concerned more with procreation than actual authentic expression and creation of sexual energy. We were not all created equal with the same biological purpose, hence why some species are born with mutiple sexes, without gametes or infertile altogether. Drag story hour itself is intentionally pushed on children in order to help their minds to escape these norms, so that they would not grow up bullying those who also deviate from norms, the more a child is introduced to the experience and true essence of mother nature - which is free, wild and chaotic as it is for animals, the more in touch they become with life rather than social norm while harming those who dare to deviate from it through their authenticity. I would not be surprised this went completely beyond your comprehension though, I just wanted to better illustrate what is actually going on. Conservatives are clueless, they're perpetuating mental illness and trauma through their so-called protections that cause more harm than good, even children themselves are already running away from their parents for this reason. Mother nature herself is rebelling, because her diversity can not be pushed into strict boxes to serve ideological purposes.

Social gender categorization does not exist in the animal kingdom, our body is dimorphically sexed in multiple ways. The term biological sex is only a chosen gendering of the body based on social norms and values of the time. This is why there is so much medical intervention imposed on infants (intersex) just to maintain the appearance of a neat binary even when their deviance poses no danger to their health at all. In other words, our nuance and autnenticity is sacrificed in order to satisfy the extreme polarity for the purpose of outside control by the collectile human ego. Our most binary parts (gametes) take precedence over any other dimorphic aspect of the body, because they serve a cohesion of a social sytem and sometimes not the cohesion of our own body, self alignment and well being as in the case of transgender or intersex species. This is why when people cling to the chosen definition of biological sex in the presence of a transgender person, they are defending a belief matrix system while disregarding the individual in front of them, and therefore support the oppressive system of control.

Many people misunderstand how ideology works. It's subconscious. I have no issue recognizing that many medical professionals don't consciously think "I have to maintain the gender binary". However, because of the society and cultural context they operate in, their idea of health and normality is very much shaped by binary heteropatriarchal gender norms which subconsciously inform their perceptions and decisions. It is a reflection of the dimension where the collective consciousness is locked-in, and also the dualistic system of control they support. However, true authenticity exists beyond duality, it is actually within the trinity, it is the I AM in between the two. Our belief system keeps us locked in duality, whereas our true self exists within the trinity, this is why the former tend to oppress the latter.

Therefore someone who pushes a child to conform to their body sex that causes physiological distress, not just psychological, should never have children in my view, cause they're not ready, I bet you don't even know that based on documented research gender dysphoria creates psycho-somatic issues on the body like digestion, heart or thyroid. What I said is backed up by research and real experiences of real human beings, otherwise I would have not been so sure of it, it is something people like me are willing to fight for and even die for, because forcing a child into repression out of an old gender ideology how humans should live goes against the law of nature, which is chaotic, but also free, it is humans that usually stand in the way, of course out of so-called protection. No we are protecting kids from people who care more about their beliefs than the truth, which is experiential and self evident. Hence why these people have no problem to purposefully misgender someone than honor them no matter what they believe themselves, it is all an ideology for them. Humans lack a fundamental truth of what nature is about and how it functions, at least from a philosophical standpoint if nothing else.

This is an evidence with regards to gender identity -


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everything you say reveals an alarming false premise and loads of factual inacuraccies. I have always supported trans rights but I do not support a insane ideology that says every child that even remotely thinks about being the other gender (which honestly what child doesn't?) is suddenly confirmed trans? A child has to ask permission for a tattoo, is not legal to drive, and yet they breeze right through alll the protocols for transitioning. This is not helping true trans people, this is for the profit driven big pharma, the ideologues who THINK they are helping, and for the mentally unwell trans activists who cant listen to anything outside of their ideology and their insistance that the world and their body conform to their mental illness, and that we all must affirm this unwellness. Its time for reality....and therapy.

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Every child that says they are trans has to eb allowed to express their own trans identity until it doesnt have to, being confirmed is diferenht to being diagnosed, this is how we are treating it, and this is how it actually helps. It is obvious you are not a therapist dealing with gender. Therapy has many levels to it. Transitioning starts at a social level, the sooner the better they can know what or who they are, it is paradoxically standing in their way that causes more mental problems and leads to mistakes. A child naturally is undergoing DOZENS of things that are irreversible on their body, including pulling the teeth, and many other medical confditions, it is parentrs that give consent for their child like with any medicine. Tattoo or driving licence, are not medical treatment. Therapy includes hormones because they are part and parcel of the psychiatric help that their brain demands for alleviating their own depression. Talkative therapy has its limits, especially on transgender people whose problems are physiological, and not psychological, they become the latter the more the former is ignored, and that is the truth some people refuse to face.

This is not for profit of Big Pharma, that is not an initial motivation, it is merely a consequence of what educated people like me in this field are advocating for. Just because Big Pharma benefits does not mean that is their intention, our intention is to allow these people to live true to themselves from very early on, to be self actualized, because that is benefiting the mental health of the entire society. There is a reason why trans people that have transitioned in childhood have usually a much better mental health than those in later years, and that is largely due to many factors, and gender dysphoria is a major one.

PS: Transition is not a choice for most, but a decision between life and death, and when someone compares this to a tattoo that should be a red flag in itself. Not being able to get a tattoo does not lead children to kill themselves, it is not driven by depression and it has nothing to do with full alignment at a mental, emotional and physical level.

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you are advocating for a form of fascism masquerading as compassion.

Children that have been coerced to be trans are now committing suicide and experiencing mental health issues that they would not have if people hadnt tried to transition them and take them from parents who love them.

When children are mutilated and taken from their parents because those who do not know or love that child think they know better---well this is kidnapping and criminal.

This is horrible for everyone, and especially the true trans people, who SHOUILD be allowed to receive support. That is not what we are talking about here.

And if you dont think big pharma isnt raking in the bucks around all this, you are sadly naive

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The longest and most extensive study on the matter recently found that out of 720 trans teenagers who started hormone therapy half a decade ago, 98% were still continuing their treatment today. Desistance and detransition myths are lies designed to create panic and a transphobic backlash. Believe trans youth!

When it comes to waiting until a child is mature enough is another fallacy using flawed science, many neuroscientists themselves have been speaking up to this. Brain never stop developing, they son't exist in solation and there isn't one universal brains structure from which you can derive general truths about a vague criteria such as maturity. Brains are ever-changing and diverse. When it comes to prefrontal cortex of the brain, its function is inhibition, stopping us from doing things that would otherwise violate social norms, this can be really useful because sociality is really important to humans, but it can also stop us from being ourselves, especially when being ourselves violates social norms. Kids do not have mature PFC, but it equaps them neurobiologically better to be themselves before it fully matures, because they do not have have those inhibitory brain structures to stop them from being who they are. But this is what people don't want, it is calculated by these human monsters to use PFC for this reason. A child needs to mature for things like alcohol, because their body is still developing, and alcohol have severe effects on the health of the body, but NOT hormones that even intersex children get already at 12 years old!!! Our body needs hormones, and these hormones have an effect on depression in these dysphoric children. I am not a proponent of puberty blockers, even though they have been using them since 1980's for kids, and I believe we'll get to a point kids will be put on hormones right away once therapists use more advanced methods how to determine who is suitable for this therapy.


The formation of new brain cells keeps on going in the hippocampus and the subventricular zone, so from the neuroscience side this isn't even true (directed at people who say the neuroscience claim is true). How long do we think it's gonna take before they start refusing to let older people transition because their brains are "in decline".

Neuroscientists agree the 25 thing is a pop culture myth. ‘Maturity is a slippery concept, especially in neuroscience. A banana can be ripe or not, but there’s no single metric to examine to determine a brain’s maturity. In many studies, though, neuroscientists define maturity as the point at which changes in the brain level off. This is the metric researchers considered in determining that the prefrontal cortex continues developing into people’s mid-20s.’ (And then they say this isn’t necessarily true for everyone). Obviously all of this is contextual, very loose, and not necessarily predictable as everything in the brain is so complex and interwoven. It’s interesting, but the conclusions people have drawn around this are just extrapolations that don’t make much sense. You could just as well say this is because this is the age in our society people tend to have gotten into more of a regular routine/job and are therefore learning and being overall less creative for example. And studies have shown different bits of the brain just still change throughout life anyways. It all just rings of developmental theory which has so many ties with ablism/racism/colonialism. It makes it easy to deny certain types of marginalized people their agency and personhood. There is many things a child does not need to grow up for, and things like pulling teeth or hormonal therapy is one of those, especially if both are threatening life.


This is a link to a Mayo Clinic paper describing the effects of puberty blockers. There are no serious side effects. Lower bone density or lesser growth might occur so that people do not reach a height they may otherwise have, but these things are monitored while patients are on them. Development of secondary sexual characteristics occurs during puberty as a result of the presence of either high levels of testosterone or estrogen. Puberty blockers suppress this to delay puberty. They are known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues.

Every medicine has potential side effects. Puberty blockers are considered safe and the side effects mostly minimal. When they are stopped, either normal puberty continues or those who are trans are given other hormones to create a different kind of puberty.

It is only the transphobic who pick up on the very rare loss of potential bone density as being a severe risk that should prevent their use. In fact bone density is continually monitored by those individuals on blockers. If a problem is detected, the protocol is modified. This is not a real risk to be concerned about. Would you be surprised to know that even aspirin can create severe bleeding, and/or other side effects that can lead to death? Would you ever consider aspirin so risky you would not take it? The same is true of puberty blockers. They are a proven and safe modality. Their benefits far outweigh whatever minimal risks are associated with them.

This kind of argument is typical of people who make illegitimate points to push an agenda, not because they wish to engage in open debate about the merits and risks. They take very rare conditions and inflate them to create panic that they are common when they are not.

I highly suggest you read the Mayo Clinic article. It will give you a much more balanced and accurate point of view by a major medical facility that knows the risks and benefits involved. They are not experimental, and they are not dangerous in most cases.

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Transgender children and adults have been commiting suicide just because they were prevented from transiton. Dettransitioners are a VAST minority, please stop prefering non-trans people over trans people, it is horrifying. No one can be coerced into being trans, people make mistakes, these parents do NOT love them, it is NOT an unconditional love, these children themselves often run away from them for this reason. That is so insulting just reading that, you dont know the reality of what is happening, these parents try to force their children to be who they want them to be instead of accepting them the way they are. These children are mutilated when they are pushed into the wrong puberty that is never meant for them, it has been confirmed by several major medical institutions that it is often leading to suicide and more psychological problems down the line if they undergo puberty, some transgender children will never reach adulthood, it is a child abuse. What we are advocating for is a better gender therapy and psychological evaluation, NOT preventing ALL children from accessing hormonal treatment, because that is what is causing actual damage. I am sorry, but I am afraid you have been a victim of massive political anti- trans propaganda that uses any regrets or accidents to deny healthcare to vast majority, that is not the way medical care is being done. There will always be mistakes and accidents to everything!!! Please stop it!

If some authority takes that child from parents to protect them it is NOT kidnapping and criminal!!! We've been doing this for decades, it is called child protection services when we are seeing they are being abused, period!

We have laws in this world that measure the level of harm, when they are enforced, it is not a form of fascism, it is a form of harmony and protection. What is actual fascism is purposeful misgendering, it is an initiated attack, and it is going to have a response sooner or later, such a society is asking for an equal response, to teach people. As the way humans abuse each other on the bottom of the pyramid of power, those at the top will eventually reflect it for them. And it will happen, it is an inevitable trajectory of our evolution to teach us our inter-connectedness.

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sorry, I should have said mental health issue, not mental illness. i realize that may trigger and that is not my intention

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It's not about "equal protection under the law". It's about promoting homosexual lifestyle and acts and transgenderism to children. Try to find that in A Course in Miracles.

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I have always supported you, but this is a deal-breaker. In order for males to feel good, girls have already had to change their clothes in front of males. They've already been victims of indecent exposure. They've already had to shower in front of male "women" in prison, and they've already lost records and opportunities to males in sports. A rape victim I know fled a hospital after specifically asking for a female for a pap smear. However, she received a man who expressed a "sense of femininity". Everything that women fought for - spaces, shelters, sports - has become mixed-sex. Not to mention the huge medical damage being done by puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. If feelings are important, why are the feelings of girls who don’t want to see a penis in the locker room completely disregarded? If fairness is important, why are males who are not even in the top 300 in men’s sports allowed to break a record in women’s sports? We celebrate men with womanly feelings while calling women bigots for simply wanting privacy, dignity and fairness. Women can’t identify out of women’s issues. Some issues are female-specific and should be given female-specific solutions.

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Hi, Marianne. Thanks for your coming out for all Americans-- all people everywhere.

BUT I am concerned about the burgeoning industry that "services" the transgender community --

who may be servicing themselves even more. I am concerned that young troubled youth are

directed to this industry-- instead of to counselling services which can provide them with sup port short of disfiguring surgeries-- befor they are 18 or even 26-- when they are judged "rational" by the credible criminal justice system.

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Last I checked, 18-25 year olds are still tried and punished as adults in the USA. Any exceptions to that rule, if they exist, are on a case-by-case basis. Why? Because they are not children. But yes, young people under 18 should not have irreversible things like that done, or at the very least, there needs to be much better gatekeeping in that regard.

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Right on Marianne! Write on Marianne. This blog is so spot on. I am committed to reversing this scary trend. Keep up the great work. With much love to you and yours.

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I also am a Jew, but I have studied holistic health for about 35 years. We are literally right now experiencing the beginning of what was Nazi Germany. The separation of families, the murder of everyone with the shots, the taking over of everyone’s bodies and forcing them to take this poison.

Remember in Nazi Germany they experimented on the Jews. This time the divide and conquer happens to be a fake virus, to divide and conquer and get people to hate blame and fear anyone unvaccinated.

Rumble.com is a non-censored video platform unlike YouTube.

Look up Vera Sharav. She is a Nazi Holocaust survivor, and has been speaking out about this, but this is exactly how things started in Nazi Germany.

Marianne please wake up. There are no such things as contagious viruses, everyone’s been slowly programmed through the media for years for the complete totalitarian takeover.

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How is it not an attack on our kids when the number of children being diagnosed with gender dysphoria and put on puberty blockers is skyrocketing? We're 4 days into pride month and my timeline is already flooded with the popular meme saying "If your parents don't support your chosen identity, I'm your mom now." What do you think they're doing with drag queen story hour?

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You realized the amounts of autism spectrum also went up. Around the time they had method to asset it and took it seriously. You realize that quote is there because if you don't support your trans kid you are the bad parent.

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If you were honest you would know that there is no such thing as transgender. Even if you have an ex-doctor chop off your organs it doesn't change your sex or gender. You are allowed by law to act anyway you want thar doesn't hurt others. Coaching other peoples kids to be insane is both immoral and disgusting.

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Yes we change gender by that actually just cause you feel bad about liking the way they look isn''t my problem. Children like i was are already trans just like they were always gay if they were or lesbian. You are keeping them from understanding what life they are experiencing.

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...so when a biologic man transitions to be a woman "she" can have babies?

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that is possible but why do we boil women down to baby making that is pretty reductionist and sexist.

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How can a biologic man have birth a baby. And I didn't "boil anything down" just made the observation that since the beginning of time women had the babies.

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Autism is going up because of environmental toxins. Supporting your kid who thinks they're trans means getting them help for their mental disorder, not mutilating their healthy body. No one should be talking to other people's children about sex, much less trying to take them away from their parents - it's called grooming.

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Groomers and Pedos are the ones who I protected the children from. By getting them out of the house of their mom who had pedo spouses and was grooming them to make all this okay. As well trying to sex trade them to a drug dealer. I am trans by the way.

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No grooming is what pedo do in the cathlic church. Following the advice of the social workers, double councilors, the wishes of the child when given the choice, and what Child protective services have oberved. Is not grooming that is looking out for your kids and being a good parent. No one is performing surgeries on kids. they are treating the mental disorder of diagnosed gender disorder. to do other wise is neglect. The same if you left your kids to suffer from sickness because you didn't believe in taking them to the doctors.

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Surgeries are being performed on children and that's easy to verify.

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prior gender dysphoria diagnosis they are just trans kids as well.

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ohhhh right those tiny numbers. That seems very rary and would be considered a medical necessisaty. Also still at a 99% success and non regret rate.

2019: 238

2020: 256

2021: 282

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Is it meaningful to you that all of the people advocating for transing kids profit from it or do you find that merely coincidental?

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People like you are actual child abusers, let me tell you that, and it is out of ignorance. Supporting your kid who thinks they're trans means getting them help, which means allowing them to express themselves however wish, mentally, emotionally and physically which eventually includes getting them on hormones as early as possible, not psychology, because it is not a mental disorder! Whaty is mutilating their healthy body is the wrong puberty they are being pushed into. Everyone should be talking to other people's chlldren about gender identity they were born with to counter-act the harmful ideologies where kids are pushed into parents idea of sex. Gender and sex are two different things on a biological level. Trans people dont think they are trans, they are trans biologically, we can determine someone's gender identity with 80% accuracy these days thanks to physiological testing alone.

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Yes so did the number of left-handed people has risen over a short period of time. Wake up lady. Humans have lived in repression for decades if not hundreds of years, we are discovering more of who we are. Trans people themselves are a sign of great awakening on earth, we are individuating, and it is people like you that try to push us back into a normalized slave system!!!

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Insanity is the great awakening!? Who knew.

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I would agree that the "normal" world compared to the spiritually awake is insane. What I am saying is that if you are relying on changing/ mutilating your physical body to be more spiritual, then you have no idea what spirituality or enlightenment even is. To the spiritually awake the body is irrelevant.

Marianne Williamson knows this.

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What insanity?

Yes spiritual awakening makes anyone look insane to normies. Since the majority of transgender people are autistic, they are also already very much in touch with their spirit, which relates to their usually higher intelligence and biological development of gender identity that is less in touch with the body, most autistic people have problems to be fully in control of their body already, that is the actual physiological link.

True insanity is ironically more evident in the normalized society where any deviation from norm can seem like a threat.

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TRUTH and only TRUTH will set all mankind FREE! Choosing and Honoring REALITY is TRUTH IN ACTION. Not a version of truth. Not a perception of truth. Not a watered-down truth. No altercation of any kind, for any reason--just pure truth.

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Marianne, it seems civics may no longer be taught in our schools that maybe part of the problem. Then, fear seems the other aspect too. But, indeed, equal protection is the key to sustaining our democracy without it authority or other ilk rule! Your courage alone makes you a great candidate to sit in the Oval Office. I've got your back, donate to your campaign as I can, and respond in writing on blogs when folks disparage you or your positions. Fight on we must!

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Marianne, I look forward to calling you our POTUS. Thank you for this timely article on your clear stand with the LGBT+ community. ❤️ Happy Pride! 🌈

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You are the best, I am so sorry about how mischaracterized you are in the press. I think those of us that would strongly speak out in defense of you just do not have quite enough reach to help quell the manipulative & cruel untruths! I hope you are staying peaceful and hopeful in these truly challenging times.

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Very true. To quote a recent article "A lot of it has to do with plain old disgust. Think what you want about whether conservatives are most likely right about transgender issues, but it’s totally obvious that a lot of the reason that they’re so adamant about it is that they find many transgender people gross."


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They are gross but that's not the reason it should be illegal to mutilate children. People can be as gross as they want to be in their own space but they can't force other people to affirm their delusion or participate in the grossness.

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I must send respect to teachers who allow their children to explore their own sense of self and self actualize from early on, they are absolute heroes in all this, because they are systematically healing and counter-acting the harmful old heteronormative gender ideologies pushed on innocent children by older generations based on either ignorance or conscious denial of hard-wired innate sexual orientation and gender identity not matching the norms of sexual orientation and made-up definitions of biological sex responsible for confusing and repressing millions upon millions of children all over the world for generations with regards to their own natural authentic self expression as mother nature has intended instead of the social system rooted in sexism and misogyny. The system designed to force children to conform to social norms and gender standards driven by ideology and religion rather than actual authentic expression of sexual energy and mother nature rooted in science and self evident exprerience determined by people's own natural wiring of their neurobiology, neurotransmitters, hormone receptors, and sexually dimorphic nuclueus in the brain. All those old norms pushed on children were harmful because nature does not always fit neat binary constructs, and therefore suffers as a result through human beings in terms of sexual expression in mind, body and spirit.

All those old norms pushed on children were harmful because nature does not always fit neat binary constructs, it does not work like that, and therefore suffers as a result through human beings in terms of sexual expression in mind, body and spirit. If Jesus Christ was around he would be standing up for transgender children and adults these days because he was encouraging to honor the divine by shaping the body to reflect it, instead of using and exploting the physical body as a weapon in order to suppress the mind and spirit, this is why amongst trans people you also find a monk, yogi, Hindu or Christian. Materialistic society has lost this connection, so we're correcting it with new ways of parenting and teaching to bring children back to their own nature instead of social system concerned more with procreation than actual authentic expression and creation of sexual energy. We were not all created equal with the same biological purpose, hence why some species are born with mutiple sexes, without gametes or infertile altogether.

At the end of the day gender studies as the legitimate frontier science of understanding and probabilities are all about helping humans to bring them back into their own nature, to root them back into the earth, which is also I believe how drag queen performances may relate to this, it's been observed by psychologists that the more we're introducing kids to life that deviates from norms set up by strict gender roles, the more those children are anchored to their own natural authentic selves, the less they feel inclinced to bully any other kids that deviate from norms themselves. The more strict gender roles and gender binary have emerged in our society, the more people suffered with repression and confusion within their own authentic self expression in terms of gender or gender role. It is believed that the more society pushes for the strict gender binary, the more trans people feel pressured to transition and more people are confused about their gender, because they are growing up in a social climate where they're not allowed to discover themselves outside of the strict norms. Under the totalitarian regimes where gender binary and nuclear family model was enforced, many people have suffered through repression, it was a way how to control the masses by using our sexual energy how to repress the spirit within.

People should read Wilhelm Reich's book on the psychology behind Fascism, how repression of sexual energy from the childhood deeply impacts humans'development psychologically, and it is rarely ever reversed in later years. -

"Suppression of the natural sexuality of the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, “good” and “adjusted” in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties.

In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation.

At first, the child has to adjust to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family; this makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and sexual anxiety"

- Wilhelm Reich, The Mass Psychology of Fascism

This is why we're working dilligently to help children to transition as early as possible, and not in adulthood when the damage to their psyche and body has already occured. Wilhelm Reich speaks about sexuality which applies to gender identity as much as sexual orientation, as the repression of sexual energy itself. Of course there are exceptions, and many children need more time, hence psychological evaluation is necessary.

However someone who pushes a child to conform to their body sex that causes physiological distress, not just psychological, should never have children in my view, cause they're not ready, based on documented research papers gender dysphoria creates psycho-somatic issues on the body like digestion, heart or thyroid. Usually humans stand in the way, of course out of protection, but ultimately their actions are rooted in ignorance.

We are protecting kids from people who care more about their beliefs/ideology than the truth, which is experiential and self evident, but also chaotic, wild and sometimes dangerous. Hence why many people have no problem to purposefully misgender someone than honor them no matter what they believe themselves, it is all an ideology for them. Humans lack a fundamental truth of what nature is about and how it functions, at least from a philosophical standpoint if nothing else.

Thank you for what you are doing Marianne. <3

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Jun 6, 2023
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Telling mentally sick people the truth unfortunately won't heal them. Marianne used to to teach the absolute Truth taught by Jesus through A Course in Miracles, but now I suppose she must try to garner political support by pretending to tow the line on certain issues. Maybe if she got elected she would unleash her support for God's Truth: the flesh profiteth nothing. It is the Spirit that quickeneth. Pray for Marianne and especially HANNAH!

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All of that what happened is thanks to the evil people like you that have done this because mother nature did not fit into the social norm that totalitarian oppresive regime demanded, as if Roman Empire and regimes under Hitler and Stalin were a prime example of freedom on earth. Most people dont even know true history of Sodom and Gomorrah, it was the oppressive patriarchal system that was trying to hide the truth of life, that is why it has fallen with the help of these murderous people. Transgender people are an ancient voice of mother nature coming back one more time, and this time we're correcting what has done wrong in the past, this time they are the rainbow bridge that is taking us away from these oppressive systems once and for all, this is their time. It is the materially decadent society that has no respect for nature that is resisting them, and in turn tries to rule over her through violence, because they are afraid of the truth, and our power we hold inside as individuals. Yes we all know how this is going to end, because we are doing it right this time, it is people like you that were responsible for the fall of the Atlantis and Sodom and Gomorrah, because you wanted power over others through judgment instead of freedom. The entire religions were installed on earth to control humanity on earth. You are on the wrong side of the history dear!!!

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Jun 7, 2023
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LGBTQ literally represent rainbow as God's light, which splits into a spectrum of light within the physical realm that resembles rainbow as per the scientific experiments by I.Newton, it is an expression of diversity and multiplicity of physicality, so the attack on trans people IS a literal attack on God! People like you will be judged, mark my word!

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Through Marianne's Campaign I've met lots of Gay and Trans people ... They have all been Wonderful and many seem to look at Marianne as someone who supports them, understand them and as President, will have their back ... You can actually see the love in their eyes when they look and speak to her ... I am proud to be a Marianne Supporter!

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